
The following resolutions are the opinion or will of the Faculty Senate, indicating the the ideas and values of the Faculty Council. The sponsor(s) must make the formal proposal during a Faculty Senate meeting.  The motion is then put to the legislative body for a vote. 

For more information on resolutions, please refer to the Guidelines for Resolutions

LSU Faculty Senate Resolutions

Number Title Sponsor  Status
23-03 Procedures to Elect LSU A&M Representatives to the Council of Faculty Advisors Policy Committee First Reading, March 22, 2023
23-02 Proposed Revisions to Clarify Expectations Around Course Grading and Communication Faculty Senate Executive Committee Adopted March 22, 2023
23-01 Resolution to Expand Retirement Choices for LSU Employees Benefits Advisory Committee  Adopted February 16, 2023
22-09 Creation of a Committee to Review Sabbatical Policies Sponsored by Faculty Senate Executive Committee  
22-08 Revision to Article VI: Election of Officers of the LSU Faculty Senate Bylaws Sponsored by Faculty Senate Executive Committee First reading, September 20, 2022
22-07 University Participation in Consortium of Universities Studying Slavery Sponsored Faculty Senate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, Carceral Studies Group, the Department of History, and the Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies Program Adopted October 20, 2022
22-06 A Call to Reaffirm Protections of Academic Freedom and Tenure  Sponsored by Inessa Bazayev, Peter Doran, Kevin Ringelman, and Parampreet Singh Adopted
March 24, 2022
22-05 Increasing Library Funds to Meet Research University Standards Sponsored by the LSU Faculty Senate Library Advisory Committee Adopted
April 25, 2022
22-04 Amendment to Article III of the Louisiana State University Faculty Senate Bylaws Sponsored by Inessa Bazayev, Pamela Blanchard, Peter Doran, James Madden, Robert Mann, Rosemary Peters-Hill, Jeffrey Roland, Parampreet Singh, Daniel Tirone, and Meredith Veldman Adopted
February 23, 2022
22-03 Formation of a Planning Committee to Hold an Annual Faculty Council Meeting Sponsored by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee Adopted
February 23, 2022
22-02 A Resolution for Fair and Equitable Cost of Living Salary Adjustments for LSU Faculty Based on Annual Inflation Rates Sponsored by the Faculty Senate Benefits Committee and the Faculty Senate Budget and Planning Advisory Committee Adopted
March 24, 2022
22-01 Call for Enforcement of LSU’s PS 118 100% Tobacco-Free Policy and an Education Campaign for Students Sponsored by Dr. Judith Sylvester, 
Manship School of Mass Communication/LSU SmokingWords
February 23, 2022
21-12 Recommendations for Reform of Faculty Senate Practices Sponsored by Inessa Bazayev, Margo Brault, Jin-Woo Choi, Robert Mann, Helen Regis, Jeffrey Roland, Daniel Tirone and Meredith Veldman Adopted
April 25, 2022
21-10 Bringing LSU’s COVID-19 Mandates into Compliance with State Law Sponsored by Carol Friedland, Kerry Dooley, Boris Rubin, Charles Delzell, and Charles Berryman Tabled Indefinitely
January 25, 2022
21-09 Correcting LSU’s Misquotation of the FDA’s Vaccine Letters Sponsored by Charles Delzell, Charles Berryman, Carol Friedland, Robert Rohli, and Boris Rubin Tabled Indefinitely
January 25, 2022
21-08 An Expression of No Confidence in Selected Members of the Faculty Senate Leadership Sponsored by Margo Brault, Jin-Woo Choi, Robert Mann, Daniel Tirone, Helen Regis and Meredith Veldman Withdrawn
February 23, 2022
21-07 A Resolution Commending Faculty Grassroots Collective Action Sponsored by Rosemary Peters-Hill and Kevin Ringelman Postponed Indefinitely
December 7, 2021
21-06 A Call to Bring LSU’s Vaccination Mandate into Conformity with State Law and National Guidelines Sponsored by Faculty Senators Inessa Bazayev, Robert Mann, Jeffrey Roland, Daniel Tirone, Meredith Veldman Withdrawn
January 25, 2022
21-05 A Call to Add Covid-19 Vaccination as a Requirement to the Existing List of Mandatory Immunizations at LSU Sponsored by Inessa Bazayev and Tara Houston Adopted 
April 22, 2021
21-04 Faculty Compensation for Thesis & Dissertation Credit Hours Sponsored by Faculty Senator Pamela Blanchard, PhD, 
on behalf of the School of Education
September 22, 2021
21-03 Continued Vote of No Confidence in the LSU Board of Supervisors Sponsored by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and Profs. Kevin Cope and James Robinson Adopted
April 22, 2021
21-02 Faculty Endorsement of the Graduate Student Bill of Rights Sponsored by Daniel C. Tirone Withdrawn
February 23, 2022
21-01 Formation of Ad-Hoc Committee to Develop A Comprehensive Framework for Open Access Publishing at LSU Sponsored by the Faculty Senate Library Advisory Committee Adopted 
February 23, 2021
20-05 Confronting Anti-Blackness by Ensuring Undergraduate Access to Antiracist Curricular Offering Sponsored by Faculty Senators Profs. Sonja Wiley and Cassandra Chaney Withdrawn
January 25, 2021
20-04 Gender Equity in Health Insurance Plans Sponsored by the Benefits Advisory Committee and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee Adopted
August 31, 2020
20-03 Pathway to Censure Removal Sponsored by Kevin Cope and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee Adopted
April 21, 2020
20-02 Commendation of William W. Demastes for Outstanding LSU Faculty Athletics Representative Service Sponsored by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee Adopted 
February 12, 2020
20-01 Class Cancellations for Athletic Events Sponsored by Kevin Cope and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee Failed
April 21, 2020
19-07 Tuition Reduction and Fee Remission for LSU Faculty Children and Spouses Sponsored by the Faculty Senate Benefits Advisory Committee Adopted 
January 16, 2020
19-06 Support for the LSU 100% Tobacco-Free Policy & Anti-Vaping Education Program Sponsored by Dr. Judith Sylvester; Dr. Amy Copeland; Arthur Penn; Alexandra Noel; Michael Russo Adopted
April 23, 2019
19-05 LSU Elsevier Subscription Package Sponsored by LSU Libraries, Brooks Ellwood, Judith Schiebout, and Paul Hrycaj Adopted
April 23, 2019
19-04 Election of Graduate Council Membership Sponsored by Faculty Senate Executive Committee Adopted
April 23, 2019
19-03 Establishment of a Legal Defense Fund Sponsored by the Benefits Advisory Committee Adopted 
March 20, 2019
19-02 Establishment of Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities Sponsored by Faculty Senate Executive Committee at request of LSU Student Senate Adopted 
March 20, 2019
19-01 Oversight of Contract Workers and Vendors Sponsored by Faculty Senate Executive Committee Failed
January 17, 2019