Athletic Band
Start Your Journey Here
Whether you are returning for your senior season or are just beginning your college career, we strive to make Tiger Band auditions a straightforward process across all disciplines.
Read on to explore the process, and reach out to us at with any questions you may have. For directions to our facilities, please visit the interactive LSU Campus Map.
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Round 1: Registration & New Member Auditions
Timeframe: Due June 1, 2025
All first-year instrumentalists, returning members planning to audition for a new section, and gap-year returning members (those who marched with us 2+ years ago) should complete the 2025 New Member Audition (Wind Players) form at the link further below.
If you are an incoming music major and already auditioned for the School of Music, you will still need to submit a separate audition for Tiger Band.
If you are auditioning for the Drumline, Golden Girls, or Colorguard, please do NOT refer to these instructions. Instead, select the appropriate tab above for your audition and registration information.
If you are a new member, a returning member planning to audition for a new section, or a gap-year returning member (you marched with us 2+ years ago), you will need to complete a Round 1 Video Audition and submit it with your New Member Audition Form.
Step 1: Record
Video record yourself playing the following items in listed order. This must be done in a single take with no additional editing. Please make sure that your face and hands are visible in your video.
- Introduction of yourself (name and potential section.)
- The full range chromatic scale for your instrument, performed in eighth notes (ascending and descending at a minimum tempo of quarter note equals 112.)
- A prepared solo piece or etude with contrasting styles that shows off your musical abilities (3-4 minutes in length.)
Step 2: Upload
Upload your audition video to YouTube and make sure the video is marked as "unlisted."
- If you encounter issues uploading your video to YouTube, please contact us at
Step 3: Submit
Copy the URL of your unlisted YouTube audition video and include the link in the appropriate field when you fill out the New Member Audition Form.
All New Member Auditions (Wind Player) must be submitted by June 1, 2025.
New members, returning members planning to audition for a new section, and students who marched in a year prior to 2024 should complete the 2025 New Member Audition Form, available at the link below.
The form has a space for you to include your video audition link. You are strongly encouraged to submit your materials as soon as possible.
Returning wind players from the previous season who are not switching sections do not need to complete this step and will be provided alternate instructions.
All New Member Auditions (Wind Player) must be submitted by June 1, 2025.
Round 2: Preseason Camp
Timeframe: August 15-23, 2025
Specific report dates and times for each area / instrument will be announced later this summer.
All students who have completed both the audition and registration requirements will receive results via email following the registration/audition deadline. Students who pass the first round of auditions will be expected to report to campus for our preseason camp in mid-August. The report dates will be communicated with the first round audition results.
Our preseason camp is designed to teach you the skills you need to be a successful member of The Golden Band from Tigerland. There will be a second round of auditions during the preseason camp, consisting of both musical and marching assessments, which will ultimately determine the final 325-member roster. More information regarding preseason and our second round of auditions will be sent on June 14, 2025.
How The Drumline Process Works
Deadlines and forms for students auditioning for the 2025-2026 Tiger Band will be posted during the Spring 2025 academic semester. Stay Tuned!
LSU Drumline auditions are divided into a two-round process: an initial video audition in the late spring / early summer timeframe, and then, for those who advance, a final in-person audition in August just prior to the start of our preseason camp.
- If you are a new member, or marched with us 2+ years ago, you will need to fill out the New Member Audition Form (Drumline) to start your process. Returning drumline members from the previous season will be sent a separate registration form. Returning members will automatically advance to Round 2 on the most recent instrument marched. Those wishing to be considered for additional sections of the drumline should submit video(s) using 2025 Round 1 Audition Submission Form (Drumline).
- Clinics are offered at several times during the audition process. These are optional, but will help prepare you for the audition process. See the "Clinic Information" section of this tab for more information regarding times and eligibility.
- The first round consists of you performing a provided excerpt, which is then submitted to us as a video. If you plan to audition for multiple instruments/positions on drumline (e.g. cymbals and snare) you will need to create a unique video for each one and upload them as a combined, single video link. The excerpts for the current year are provided in the next section. Once Round 1 submissions close, your selection of instruments/positions is locked and cannot be changed.
- The second round consists of an in-person audition day held in Baton Rouge, where there will be a mix of ensemble and individual auditions.
- It is imperative that you put forth your best effort during each of the audition steps. While the final audition occurs on a single day, your effort and progression over the entire process is considered.
2025 Drumline Audition Materials
Audition Music for the 2025-2026 Tiger Band Drumline will be posted during the Spring 2025 academic semester. Stay Tuned!
All Round 1 video submissions must include an audible metronome, marking time, and a view of the performers entire body. The feet must be visible to ensure precision while marking time. Additionally, the submissions should be performed on real instruments whenever possible. If using a real instrument is impossible, performers auditioning for the snare line, tenor line, and/ or bass line may use a practice pad. If you are auditioning for tenors without an actual instrument, please use a tenor pad. If you are auditioning for cymbals without actual instruments, clapping the rhythm while marking time is acceptable.
Once you are ready, submit your Round 1 audition using the link below.
Forms for students auditioning for the 2025-2026 Tiger Band Drumline will be posted during the Spring 2025 academic semester. Stay Tuned!
If you are a new member, or marched with us 2+ years ago, you will need to fill out the New Member Audition Form (Drumline) to start your process.
Returning drumline members from the previous season do not need to complete this step and will be provided alternate instructions.
Forms for students auditioning for the 2025-2026 Tiger Band Drumline will be posted during the Spring 2025 academic semester. Stay Tuned!
2025 Clinic Information
Prior to the final audition date, several clinics will be offered where instructional staff will help familiarize students with our playing style, rehearsal protocol, and both individual and ensemble expectations. These clinics will cover the fundamental studies and exercises found in the 2025 drumline audition packet.
Clinic Dates for students auditioning for the 2025-2026 Tiger Band Drumline will be posted during the Spring 2025 academic semester. Stay Tuned!
All clinics are held from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. in the Tiger Band Hall.
Additionally, our instructional staff maintain a private Facebook audition group to answer questions and share further aspects of our drumline technique, warm-ups, cadences, and the audition process. You will receive the Facebook group link after you complete the New Member Audition Form (Drumline).
2025 Drumline Audition Dates & Deadlines
Dates for students auditioning for the 2025-2026 Tiger Band Drumline will be posted during the Spring 2025 academic semester. Stay Tuned!
Clinic & Audition Information
The LSU Golden Girls offer clinics prior to the start of the audition process each year. These clinics, open to all dancers from 8th grade through college levels, are dedicated to preparing potential auditionees in the technique and style of the LSU Golden Girls. Clinic attendance is encouraged, but not required for those auditioning. Auditions, which take place in March or April each year, are divided into a two-round process:
- The first round consists of 2 video submissions, a solo and technique video submission.
- The final round is an in-person audition in Baton Rouge. The final LSU Golden Girls squad is selected and announced at the conclusion of this round.
2025 Clinic Dates and Registration
All clinics are held from 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. in the Tiger Band Hall. You must register in advance to attend a Golden Girl clinic.
Spring 2025 Clinic Dates:
- February 15, 2025
- March 9, 2025
Registration for 2025 Golden Girl Cinics is now closed.
2025 Audition Information, Registration and Dates
January 13 – Online audition registration opens at 8:00 a.m. CST.
March 9 – Online audition registration closes at 11:59 p.m. CST.
March 11 - Round 1 solo and technique video submission deadline, 8:00 p.m. CST.
March 18 – Round 1 results announced. Finalists advance to Round 2.
March 22 – Round 2/In-person auditions in Baton Rouge.
2025 Golden Girl Audition Packet
Golden Girl Audition Finalist Numbers
3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 24, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 47, 49, 53, 57, 59, 60
How The Colorguard Process Works
LSU Colorguard auditions are divided into a multi-round process which takes place in April each year. To begin the process, you register to audition through the form on this webpage once it is available. Once applications close, you will be assigned an audition number which you will use throughout the process. A PDF information packet, which contains full details of the audition process, can be downloaded below.
- Clinics are offered prior to the start of the audition process. These are optional, but will help prepare you for the audition process. See the next section for more information about clinics.
- The first round consists of a fundamentals routine, which is submitted as a video. Review the audition information packet to learn about the requirements for this video.
- The second round consists of a solo routine, which will take place in person. Review the audition information packet to learn about the requirements.
- In the final round, finalists will learn a 2 part routine from current LSU Colorguard captains, review fundamentals, and then perform for judges in small groups. The LSU Colorguard will be announced at the end of this day.
- It is imperative that students put forth their best effort in each of the audition steps. While the final audition round occurs on a single day, students’ effort and progression over the entire process is considered.
Clinic Information
We offer several clinics prior to the start of the audition process each year. These events are open to all high schoolers and college students, and are designed to prepare current and future auditionees in the techniques and styles of the LSU Colorguard. Clinic attendance is encouraged, but NOT required, for new members. Returning members must attend at least one clinic.
Clinic Dates: March 1, April 19
All clinics are held from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in the Tiger Band Hall. You must register in advance to attend a clinic.
2025 Audition Information, Registration and Dates
February 21 – Online audition registration opens at 10:00 a.m CST
April 12 – Online audition registration closes at 11:59 p.m. CST (Proof of enrollment/admissions
letters and recommendation letters are due via e-mail)
April 26 – Round 1 fundamentals video due by 11:59 p.m. CST (Submit via E-mail)
April 28 – Round 1 results announced by 11:59 p.m. CST. Finalists advance to in-person auditions
April 30 – Solo music for in-person auditions due by 11:59 p.m. CST (Submit via E-mail)
May 3 – Finalist in-person auditions.
While we welcome music majors and minors with open arms, the majority of Tiger Band (over 75%) is actually comprised of majors from other colleges and schools across the LSU campus, such as Business, Engineering, Mass Communication, and more.
There are several opportunities. If you are selected as a member of the Tiger Marching Band, you will automatically receive a $1,000 stipend, disbursed in even installments throughout the season. We have further scholarship opportunities available based on director recommendations, instrument needs in departmental ensembles, and student performance ability.
Every member of Tiger Band must have a minimum 2.0 GPA and remain in good academic standing with the university. Additionally, all members must be full-time students at LSU, which is defined as a minimum of 12 credit hours.
If you drop below full-time credit hour status after you make Tiger Band, you can remain a member, but you will forfeit your stipend award.* If you withdraw/resign from the university, your membership in the organization ends immediately.
*Note: If you are graduating in the same fall semester as your Tiger Band membership, you are permitted to be part-time and can keep your stipend award, pending confirmation from your academic advisor and Department of Bands approval.
Typically 10 - 14 hours per week, varying based on football game schedules and travel.
Tiger Band rehearses for an hour and a half (3:50 p.m. - 5:20 p.m.) Tuesday through Friday each week. When you enroll for the course (MUS 4250) you will receive one credit-hour from the university.
If we are hosting a football game in Baton Rouge, we have an additional rehearsal on Saturday morning, followed by a catered lunch.
If we are traveling to an away game at another university or a neutral site, we will typically leave on Friday and return to Baton Rouge on Sunday.
Actually, we pay you!
The Department of Bands covers costs such as dry cleaning of your uniform, most instrument repairs, and official travel, in addition to your $1,000 stipend award. We do not charge you a fee to be a member of Tiger Band.
For returning members, we also offer student staff positions to assist with band operations. These positions include specialized roles such as equipment managers, music librarians, social outreach team members, and more. Student staff positions receive additional payments.
At least once per season, but typically more.
Tiger Band attempts to take one full band trip during the regular season and further full band trip(s) for any postseason game(s). Additionally, we assemble an approximately 100-member pep band to travel to each away game within reasonable travel distance. The roster for away game travel rotates; every member does not necessarily travel to every away game.
Once again, the Department of Bands covers your costs for all of this travel, including per diem for meals. Excuse letters (PS-22) will be provided if a travel departure overlaps with university class times, allowing you to make-up any classwork you may have missed.
Typically 5 to 7 shows, depending on the exact football season schedule.
We do our best to keep show content fresh and exciting for both members and our fans! Students also have opportunities to collaborate with staff and pitch new show ideas at the end of each season.