State of the Coast Conference
May 31 - June 2, 2023
Ernest N. Morial
Convention Center
New Orleans, LA
Louisiana’s coast is where we create solutions to future global challenges.
As the state’s designated Sea Grant university, LSU and its faculty, students, and staff are committed to finding answers to pressing coastal problems experienced by Louisianans today and the world tomorrow. Together, we work to protect and preserve culture and commerce in and near water.
Visit LSU in booths 601 and 603 at the State of the Coast Conference to explore opportunities for collaboration as we continue to support industry, government, and communities in Louisiana through research, special projects, and talent development. We look forward to introducing our coastal experts, students, graduates, and capabilities to you and your organization for potential partnership.
LSU Research Highlights at SOC2023
At the 2023 State of the Coast conference in New Orleans, LSU faculty and student researchers associated with the Coastal Ecosystem Design Studio are discussing their work in a session called “Developing Integrated Engineering and Design Solutions for Coastal Louisiana.”
LSU researchers have been working in Barataria Bay, assessing the current ecosystem to building a better understanding of the potential effects of the upcoming sediment diversion.
LSU and Tulane Researchers at the 2023 State of the Coast conference in New Orleans are discussing their multi-university effort to chart the future of the Bird’s Foot Delta, which surrounds the very end of the Mississippi River as it enters the Gulf of Mexico.
Want to Work with LSU?
Through the National Science Foundation-supported LSU Delta Institute, industry members direct and choose research projects, and gain access to all intellectual property (IP), students, and faculty expertise.
Research Partnerships in Action
For 15 years, LSU AgCenter’s LaHouse has showcased storm-resilient and sustainable home construction methods and materials that are both customizable and cost-effective for Louisiana residents who live with significant risk of flooding and wind damage as well as rising insurance premiums and energy bills.
The LSU-developed tool to predict storm surge and flooding during severe weather events—the Coastal Emergency Risks Assessment, or CERA, website—has become an essential resource for thousands of emergency managers and first responders in Louisiana and the nation’s coastal states to help protect people and infrastructure. Now, the tool will become even smarter and faster, thanks to artificial intelligence.
When the U.S. Army needed to understand how climate change will affect the so-called “critical zone”—the thin land surface layer comprised of vegetation, soils, and sediments—to improve their own planning and secure people, equipment, and infrastructure, they turned to LSU.
LSU scientists are learning how to manage sediment to prevent land loss and improve hurricane preparedness in Louisiana's southernmost port, a key place for the U.S. energy industry, but also one of the nation's most vulnerable places.
In the wake of 2016 floods, which devastated Tangipahoa Parish and 20 other South Louisiana parishes, the LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio and LSU Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering began collaborating with local government and communities to set Tangipahoa Parish on a path toward resilience.
LSU researchers, from coastal scientists and engineers to sociologists and psychologists, are working to protect Louisiana residents and homeowners from the potentially devastating impacts of flooding.
LSU Is Committed to Coastal Resilience