Program Review Schedule

The academic program review process is conducted within a 10-year time period and, in conjunction with other timely reviews by discipline-specific accrediting agencies or the Louisiana Board of Regents. Units are responsible for notifying the Office of Institutional Effectiveness of such reviews and providing information to the Institutional Effectiveness Council (IEC) for determination as to whether the process can be coordinated. [Note: The APR schedule is subject to change, given the recent shift from a seven-year cycle to "within a 10-year time period," as recommended by the Institutional Effectiveness Council at its May 2021 meeting and subsequently approved by the EVP & Provost].

- Renewable Natural Resources*
- Animal Sciences
- BA in Screen Arts - HSS Interdepartmental
- Kinesiology*
- Mass Communications*
- School of Education*
- Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness
- Nutrition and Food Sciences*
- Biological Sciences
- English
- Entomology
- Experimental Statistics
- Physics & Astronomy*
- Plant Pathology & Crop Physiology
- Sociology
- World Languages, Literature, & Cultures
- Chemistry*
- Coastal Environmental Science
- Communications Sciences & Disorders*
- Environmental Sciences + Interdepartmental
- Mathematics
- Oceanography & Coastal Sciences
- BIS - HSS Interdepartmental
- Communication Studies
- Philosophy
- Psychology (BS, PhD- School*)
- Social Work*
- African & African-American Studies
- Education*
- French Studies
- MALA - HSS Interdepartmental
- BALA - HSS Interdepartmental
- Comparative Literature - HSS Interdepartmental
- Geography & Anthropology
- Geology & Geophysics
- International Studies- HSS Interdepartmental
- Textiles, Apparel Design & Merchandising
- History
- Leadership & Human Resource Development
*Denotes program reviews that are tied to specialized accreditation.