
This section will provide information about events and links to reports, etc.

News and Announcements

Gulf Renaissance Scholars illustration

LSU Combines Undergraduate Science, Engineering, Arts, Humanities to Benefit Coastal Communities

With support from the National Academy of Sciences, LSU will build a new undergraduate research and creative works program focused on supporting people, ecosystems and industries in and around the Gulf of Mexico. Projects will bridge all disciplines and encourage students to combine multiple perspectives as not just experts, but problem-solvers.

Bendable concrete

LSU Faculty Continue Studies On Bendable Concrete

According to research reports, concrete is the second-most used substance in the world (after water) and is the most widely used building material. Its usage worldwide is twice that of steel, wood, plastics, and aluminum combined.

Dr. Jenny Sones

Dr. Jenny Sones Received Catalyst Award from National Academy of Medicine

Jenny Sones (LSU '08), associate professor of theriogenology, is one of 25 U.S.-based recipients of the Catalyst Award from the National Academy of Medicine.

LSU-Led Research Shows that Ultraviolet Metasurfaces Can Discriminate the Handedness of Biomolecules at Attomolar Concentrations

LSU-Led Research Shows that Ultraviolet Metasurfaces Can Discriminate the Handedness of Biomolecules at Attomolar Concentrations

Researchers at LSU, in collaboration with Zuse Institute in Berlin, Germany, have developed an ultraviolet metasurface that discriminates between left- and right-handed amino acids with attomolar sensitivity.

Middle and high school robotics competition

LSU of Alexandria Increases Access to STEM Careers Through Robotics and Support of Surrounding Schools

Through robotics and community outreach to elementary, middle and high schools in central Louisiana, LSU of Alexandria, or LSUA, is increasing access to careers in science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM, for a growing number of students, including at underserved schools. For many, robotics is their first experience with machine learning and AI.

Louisiana marsh

LSU Researchers Join Multi-Institutional Team to Investigate Sources of Methane in Coastal Wetlands

Scientists estimate that methane, as a greenhouse gas, may be responsible for approximately 20 to 25 percent of all global warming since the Industrial Revolution. Even more troublingly, as man-made sources have been reduced, the amount of the gas in the atmosphere has continued to grow, fed by natural sources.

Collecting core samples from Gulf of Mexico

Sea Level Rise Sentinels: Documenting Biodiversity in the Rising Waters of the Gulf of Mexico

LSU scientists will be using innovative techniques to document biodiversity in the Gulf of Mexico as part of NOAA's Marine Biodiversity Observation Network.

Early Time-Restricted Eating Can Be an Effective Weight Loss Strategy

Early Time-Restricted Eating Can Be an Effective Weight Loss Strategy

Early time-restricted eating can be an effective way to lose weight and may be easier to follow and maintain than traditional calorie restriction.

AI discovery drug engine

LSU Research Team Uses AI to Quickly Discover Personalized Cancer Cures

LSU researchers have built a cancer drug discovery engine powered by AI that soon could match any type of cancer, based on a small cell sample from a patient, with the drug most likely to cure that cancer.

LSU cyber students and alumni

The Future Is Bright: What LSU's New, Prestigious Cybersecurity Designation by the NSA Means for Students, Louisiana

LSU announced that it has been designated as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations, or CAE-CO, by the National Security Agency, or NSA. It's an honor shared among only 22 universities and colleges in the nation. Here, research students and alumni in the LSU cybersecurity program speak to the immediate impacts this recognition will have on them, on LSU and on Louisiana, where they all grew up.