

Name Rank Phone Email Office
Frank Anselmo Associate Professor 225-578-6627


416 Hodges
Kevin Bongiorni

Ubaye Valley and Lilian Defelice & Sampson J. Petit Associate Professor

225-578-6627 kbongiorni@lsu.edu 423 Hodges
Bastien Craipain Assistant Professor 225-578-6703


406 Hodges
Deborah Goldgaber Affiliate Associate Professor (Philosophy) 225-578-1043 dgoldgaber@lsu.edu 208A Coates
Katharine (Kate) Jensen Florence Kidd & Isaac M. Gregorie, Sr. Professor 225-578-6627 kjensen@lsu.edu 422 Hodges
Jeffrey Leichman Jacques Arnaud Associate Professor 225-578-6627 jleichman@lsu.edu 404 Hodges
Olivier Moréteau Affiliate Professor (Russel B Long Professor, Law Center) 225-578-0067 olivier.moreteau@law.lsu.edu W326C Law Center
Rosemary Peters-Hill Albert and Angelle Arnaud Associate Professor 225-578-6627 rpeters@lsu.ed 415A Hodges
John Protevi Phyllis M. Taylor Professor, Distinguished Research Master 225-578-6627 protevi@lsu.edu 416D Hodges
Helen Regis Affiliate Professor (Geography & Anthropology) 225-578-6171 hregis1@lsu.edu 227 Howe-Russell
Adelaide Russo Phyllis M. Taylor Professor 225-578-6627 frruss@lsu.edu 403 Hodges
Greg Stone Joseph S. Yenni Distinguished Professor of Italian Studies 225-578-6627 stone@lsu.edu 405 Hodges
Leslie Tuttle Affiliate Associate Professor (History) 225-578-4493 ltuttle@lsu.edu 225B Himes


Name Rank Phone Email Office
Elizabeth Addison Instructor 225-578-6627


412 Hodges
Carla Bota-Vance Instructor 225-578-6627 cbota1@lsu.edu 420 Hodges
Margo Brault Senior Instructor 225-578-6627 margobrault@lsu.edu 445 Hodges
Corrada Curry Senior Instructor 225-578-0762 cbiazzo@lsu.edu 401C Hodges
Andrew Hill Instructor 225-578-0451 ahill31@tigers.lsu.edu 401C Hodges
Cathy Luquette Distinguished Instructor 225-578-6627 crluq1@lsu.edu 407 Hodges
Patrick McCrea Instructor 225-578-6627


412 Hodges
Farida Ngandu Tshiebue Instructor 225-578-0545


435 Hodges
Sibylle Noetzel Senior Instructor 225-578-0451 snoetz2@lsu.edu 401C Hodges
Erin Segura Instructor 225-578-6627 esegura1@lsu.edu  
Gordon Walker Instructor 225-578-6627 gwalker2@lsu.edu  
Marion D. Crackower Instructor 225-578-6627 mcrackower1@lsu.edu 435 Hodges

Emeritus Professors

Name Rank Contact
Nathaniel Wing Professor Emeritus  
Alexandre Leupin Phyllis M Taylor Professor Emeritus frleup@lsu.edu
Jack Yeager Professor Emeritus jay@lsu.edu
Sylvie Dubois Gabrielle Muir Professor Emerita sdubois@lsu.edu
François Raffoul Professor Emeritus (Philosophy) fraffo1@lsu.edu