Rucks Department of Management Professor Thomas Greckhamer Appointed to Endowed Chair
March 31, 2022

Rucks Department of Management Professor Thomas Greckhamer was appointed to endowed chair.
The E. J. Ourso College of Business is pleased to announce that Rucks Department of Management Professor Thomas Greckhamer was appointed to the William W. Rucks IV Endowed Chair and Professor of Management, effective March 1, 2022.
Since joining the Rucks Department of Management in 2005, Greckhamer has served in numerous teaching and advisory roles. He currently serves as the director of the PhD program within the department.
The William W. Rucks IV Endowed Chair and Professor of Management is unique relative to others in the college because it aids in positioning the department as a nationally recognized, innovative leader in the study and application of management. Additionally, a portion of the chair’s funds supports the research and professional development of all department faculty.
“I have had the distinct pleasure of witnessing Thomas’ career development since he joined the Rucks Department of Management as a new assistant professor in 2005. During Thomas’ career at LSU, his sustained research productivity in the management discipline’s premier journals has established him as a nationally respected scholar. He has made important contributions as an educator and mentor of LSU students and has provided invaluable service to the department, college, university, and academy. In short, Thomas has devoted his academic career to advancing LSU’s mission of research excellence and quality educational opportunities for LSU students. His appointment to the Rucks Endowed Chair is well-deserved,” commented Rucks Department of Management Chair Tim Chandler.
Greckhamer earned dual M.A. degrees in social sciences from Johannes Kepler University (Austria) and a PhD in management with a focus on strategy from the University of Florida, where he held a Grinter Fellowship. He joined the Rucks Department of Management as an assistant professor in 2005, was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 2011, and then to full professor in 2017. Greckhamer has taught at the undergraduate, MBA, and PhD levels, and his interests include strategic management and qualitative research methodology.
Greckhamer’s strategy research focuses on links between strategy and firm performance, executive compensation and organizational pay dispersion, and strategic management discourse. His research methods contributed to introducing and establishing the configurational approach of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) in strategic management and related fields, as well as advancing multiple qualitative research methods. His work has been published in a variety of leading scholarly journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management, Organization Science, Organization Studies, and Organizational Research Methods.
In addition, Greckhamer serves as an associate editor for Organizational Research Methods and as an editorial board member of the Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Strategic Organization, and Group & Organization Management. Additionally, he offers professional development to researchers nationally and internationally by teaching for CARMA (the Consortium of the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis); co-organizing and presenting in professional development workshops at conferences such as the annual meetings of the Academy of Management (AoM), the Southern Academy of Management, and the Academy of International Business; and chairing the AoM Research Methods Division’s RMD-CARMA Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty consortium.
About the Rucks Department of Management
The Rucks Department of Management at LSU’s E. J. Ourso College of Business endeavors to prepare students for careers in fields such as international management, human resources, and industrial/labor relations. A generous donation by LSU alumnus William W. Rucks and his wife, Catherine, has aided the department in securing faculty who are repeatedly recognized for their research and has supported student-affiliated organizations in achieving top honors nationally. For more information, visit our home page or call 225-578-6101.