Accounting Research

Our faculty and doctoral students regularly publish in top academic journals. We are committed to growing the knowledge and innovation of the accounting field. 


Our Areas of Research


Behavioral accounting and professional issues

Capital markets

Corporate social responsibility

Empirical auditing


Financial accounting


Internal auditing

Risk management



Select Faculty Publications

Sanaz Aghazadeh

Aghazadeh, S., O. Brown, L. Guichard, K., T. Phillips. 2024. “The Effects of a Client’s Social Media Disclosure and Audience Engagement on Auditor Judgment” Accounting, Organizations and Society 113: 101564.

Aghazadeh, S., K. Hoang, C. Nolder. 2024. “Auditors’ Work Attitudes: Translating Auditor JDM Research Findings to Inform Audit Firms’ Strategies.” Accounting Horizons. 1: 1-12.

Aghazadeh, S. S., Dodgson, M. K., Kang, Y. J., Peytcheva, M. 2023 “Knowledge Creation and Conversion between the National Office and Engagement Teams: Experiences of Audit Firm Partners.” Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 42 (3): 1–23.

Aghazadeh, S., & Joe, J. R. (2022). Auditors' response to management confidence and misstatement risk. Accounting Organizations and Society, 101, 101348. doi:10.1016/j.aos.2022.101348
Aghazadeh, S., Y.J. Kang, and M. Peytcheva. 2023 “Auditors’ skepticism in response to audit committee oversight behaviour.” Accounting & Finance 63 (2): 2013-2034. 

Aghazadeh, S., Brown, J. O., Guichard, L., & Hoang, K. (2022). Persuasion in Auditing: A Review Through the Lens of the Communication-Persuasion Matrix. European Accounting Review, 31(1), 1-28. doi:10.1080/09638180.2020.1863243
Aghazadeh, S., K. Hoang, and B. Pomeroy. 2022. “Using LIWC to Analyze Participants’ Psychological Processing in Accounting JDM Research.” Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 41 (3): 1–20.
Aghazadeh, S., Dodgson, M. K., Kang, Y. J., & Peytcheva, M. (2021). Revealing Oz: Institutional Work Shaping Auditors' National Office Consultations. Contemporary Accounting Research, 38(2), 974-1008. doi:10.1111/1911-3846.12655
Aghazadeh, S., & Hoang, K. (2020). How does audit firm emphasis on client relationship quality influence auditors’ inferences about and responses to potential persuasion in client communications?. Accounting Organizations and Society, 87, 101175. doi:10.1016/j.aos.2020.101175
Aghazadeh, S., Collins, A. M., & Stefaniak, C. M. (2020). The Effects of Client Status and the Auditor's Presentation of Multiple Estimation Alternatives on Client Financial Reporting Aggressiveness. Behavioral Research in Accounting, 32(2), 1-14. doi:10.2308/bria-19-025

William Buslepp

Buslepp, W. L., Abbott, L. J., Barr-Pulliam, D, and Parker, S. (2021). The real effects of internal audit function quality: Evidence from investment efficiency. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Forthcoming.

Buslepp, W. L. and Abbott, L. J. (2021). An investigation of the market’s perception and pricing of auditor competence: evidence from PwC’s Oscars blunder. Accounting, Organizations and Society, Forthcoming

Buslepp, W. L. and Abbott, L. J (2021). The Impact of the PCAOB Triennial Inspection Process on Inspection Year and Non-Inspection Year Audits. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 40(2), 1-21.

Buslepp, W. L., Abbott, L. J, Boland, C. M, and McCarthy, S. (2021). U.S. Audit Partner Identification and Auditor Reporting . Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.

Buslepp, W. L., Legoria, J., Cavalier-Rosa, R., and Shaw, D. Lynn (2019). Misclassification of audit-related fees as a measure of internal control quality. Advances in Accounting, 46, 1-10.

Buslepp, W. L., Delisle, R. Jared, and Victoravich, L. (2018). Does Part II of the PCAOB Inspection Report Provide New Information to the Market? A Re-Examination of Prior Evidence. Managerial Auditing Journal.

Buslepp, W. L., Notbohm, M., and Abbott, L. J (2018). The Audit Market Effects of Disputing a GAAP-Deficient PCAOB Inspection Report. Advances in Accounting, 41, 126-140.

Buslepp, W. L. and Billings, B. K (2016). Strategic Management Guidance and Insider Trading Activities. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 35(1), 84-104.

Buslepp, W. L., Bailey, C., Buchheit, S., and Fleischman, G. (2014). Successful Efforts versus Full Cost Accounting: A Size-Based Misconception?. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly, 62(4), 649-660.

Buslepp, W. L., Billings, B., and Huston, R. (2014). Worth the Hype? The Relevance of Paid-For Analyst Research for the Buy-and-Hold Investor. The Accounting Review, 89(3), 903-931.

Buslepp, W. L., Victoravich, L., Grove, H., and Xu, P. (2011). CEO Power, Equity Incentives, and Bank Risk . The Banking and Finance Review, 3(2).

Zhenhua Chen

Chen, Z., Cihan, M., Jens, C., and Page, B. (2022). Political Uncertainty and Firm Investment: Project-level Evidence from M&A Activity, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.

Chen, Z., Kemsley, D., and Sivadasan, P., (2021). The Comprehensive Tax Gain from Leverage, European Accounting Review, Vol 30, No.2, 381-403

Chen, Z., Huffman, A., Narayanamoorthy, G., and Zhang, R. (2021). Minimum Tick Size and Analyst Coverage: Evidence from the Tick Size Pilot Program, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol 48, 666-691

Chen, Z. and Loftus, S. (2019). Multi-Method Evidence on Investors’ Reactions to Managers’ Self-Inclusive Language, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol 79, 1-19

Joseph Legoria

Donley, L., Legoria, J., Reichelt, K. J., Walton, S. (2023) Chinese Auditor Inspection Access Challenges: The Market’s Response to Integrated US Regulatory and Legislative Action. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 43(6) 107110.

Legoria, J., Reichelt, K., and Soileau, J. S (2023). Voluntary disclosure of country-level information and FCPA violations. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 38(2) 360-385.

Jiang, W., Legoria, J., Reichelt, K., and Walton, S. (2021). Firm Use of Cybersecurity Risk Disclosures. Journal of Information Systems, accepted for publication.

Buslepp, W. L., Legoria, J., Cavalier-Rosa, R., and Shaw, D. Lynn (2019). Misclassification of audit-related fees as a measure of internal control quality. Advances in Accounting, 46, 1-10.

Legoria, J., Reichelt, K., and Soileau, J. (2018). Auditors and Disclosure Quality: The Case of Major Customer Disclosures. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 37(4), 163-189.

Legoria , J., Rosa, G., and Soileau, J. S (2017). Audit Quality across Non-Audit Service Fee Benchmarks: Evidence from Material Weakness Opinions. Research in Accounting Regulation, 29(2), 1-12.

Legoria, J., Melenderz, K. D., and Reynolds, J. Kenneth (2013). Qualitative Audit Materiality and Earnings Management. Review of Accounting Studies, 18(Volume 2), 414-442.

Legoria, J., Boone, J., and Stammerjohan, W. W. (2008). The Economic Benefits of FASB's recommended Disclosures: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry. Advances in Accounting, 24(2), 202-212.

Boone, J. P., Legoria, J., Seifert, D. L., and Stammerjohan, W. W. (2006). The associations among accounting program attributes, 150-hour status, and CPA exam pass rates. Journal of Accounting Education, 24, 202-215.

Barua, A., Legoria, J., and Moffitt, J. Sue (2006). Accruals Management to Achieve earnings benchmarks: A comparison of pre-managed profit and loss firms. Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, 33((5) & (6)), 653-670.

Legoria, J. and Sellers, K. (2005). The Analysis of SFAS No. 109's Usefulness in Predicting Future Cash Flows from a Conceptual Framework Perspective. Research in Accounting Regulation, 18, 143-161.

Legoria, J. (2005). The Voluntary Disclosure of Advertising Expenditures: The Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Health Care Reform. Advances In Accounting, 21, 115-149.

Legoria, J., Black, E., and Sellers, K. (2000). Capital Investment Effects of Dividend Imputation. Journal Of The American Taxation Association, 22(2), 40-59.

Legoria, J. (2000). Earnings Management, The Pharmaceutical Industry and Health Care Reform. Research in Accounting Regulation, 14, 101-131.

Legoria, J. and Pendley, J. (1999). Assessing Auditor Independence: Audit Fees and Enforcement Patterns. Research in Accounting Regulation, 13, 151-167.

Padmakumar Mathrumandiram Sivadasan

Kemsley, D., Sivadasan, P., and Subramaniam, V. (2018). THE COMPOSITE DIVIDEND TAX RATE. Accounting and Business Research, 48(7), 727-758.

Doogar, R., Rowe, S., and Sivadasan, P. (2015). ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL (AGAIN)? BANK AUDITS DURING THE LEAD-UP TO THE FINANCIAL CRISIS. Contemporary Accounting Research, 32(1), 358-391.

Doogar, R. and Sivadasan, P. (2015). AUDIT FEE RESIDUALS: COSTS OR RENTS?. Review of Accounting Studies, 20(4), 1247-1286.

Doogar, R., Sivadasan, P., and Solomon, I. (2010). THE REGULATION OF PUBLIC COMPANY AUDITING: EVIDENCE FROM THE TRANSITION TO AS5. Journal of Accounting Research, 48(4), 795-814.

Kenneth Reichelt

Mazza, T., Azzali, S., Reichelt, K. J., and Fornaciairi, L. (2025). "Short Horizon for Audit Partner and Audit Quality: Evidence From a Dual-Rotation Regime." Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance. forthcoming

Johnston, J. A., Reichelt, K. J., and Sapkota, P (2024). "Measuring Financial Statement Disaggregation Using XBRL." Journal of Information Systems, 38(1), 119-147. 

Massel, N., Park, J.P., and Reichelt, K. J. (2024). "Do Revenues Matter More Than Earnings for Initial Public Offerings?" Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 39(1): 57-93.

Donley, L., Legoria, J., Reichelt, K. J., Walton, S. (2023) "Chinese Auditor Inspection Access Challenges: The Market’s Response to Integrated US Regulatory and Legislative Action." Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 42(6) 107110.

Johnson, E. Schwartzhoff, Reichelt, K., and Soileau, J. S (2023). "The Impact of PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 5, PCAOB Inspection Regime, and the Great Recession on Audit Fees & Audit Quality." Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 38(2) 413-436.

Legoria, J., Reichelt, K., and Soileau, J. S. (2023). "Voluntary disclosure of country-level information and FCPA violations." Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 38(2) 360-385.

Liu CZ, Hu XS, Reichelt K.J. (2022). "Does the Order of Claims to Assets on the Balance Sheet Reflect Equity Risk?" China Accounting and Finance Review, 24(3):290-322.

Jiang, W., Legoria, J., Reichelt, K. J, and Walton, S. (2022). "Firm Use of Cybersecurity Risk Disclosures." Journal of Information Systems 36 (1): 151–180.

Azzali, S., Mazza, T., Reichelt, K. J, and Wang, D. (2021). "Does Mandatory IFRS Adoption Affect Audit Hours and the Effectiveness to Constrain Earnings Management? Evidence from Italy." Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 40(4):1-25.

Chang, H., Chen, H., Chen, J., and Reichelt, K. (2019). "Do Supply Chain Auditors Compromise? Evidence From the Association of Supplier Aggressive Revenue Management and Major Customer Dependence." Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 34(4), 639-666.

Legoria, J., Reichelt, K., and Soileau, J. (2018). "Auditors and Disclosure Quality: The Case of Major Customer Disclosures." Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 37(4), 163-189.

Sun, P., Crumbley, D., and Reichelt, K. (2018). "CEO Compensation and Tax Loss Carrybacks." Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, 10(1), 135-152.

Johnson, E. Schwartzhoff, Reichelt, K., and Soileau, J. S (2018). "No News is Bad News: Do PCAOB Inspections Have an Effect on Annually Inspected Firms' Audit Fees and Audit Quality?" Journal of Accounting Literature, 41, 106-126.

Brooks, L. Zheng, Cheng, C. Agnes, Johnston, J., and Reichelt, K. (2017). "Estimates of Optimal Audit Firm Tenure across Different Legal Regimes." Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 32(1), 3-39.

Chang, H., Cheng, C. Agnes, and Reichelt, K. (2010). "Market Reaction to Auditor Switching from Big 4 to Third-Tier Small Accounting Firms." Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 29(2), 83-114.

Reichelt, K. and Wang, D. (2010). "National and Office-Specific Measures of Auditor Industry Expertise and Effects on Audit Quality." Journal of Accounting Research, 48(3), 647-686.

Francis, J. R, Reichelt, K., and Wang, D. (2005). "The Pricing of National and City-Specific Reputations for Industry Expertise in the U.S. Audit Market." The Accounting Review, 80(1), 113-136.

Jared S. Soileau

Johnson, E. Schwartzhoff, Reichelt, K., and Soileau, J. S (2023). The Impact of PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 5, PCAOB Inspection Regime, and the Great Recession on Audit Fees & Audit Quality. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 38(2) 413-436.

Legoria, J., Reichelt, K., and Soileau, J. S (2023). Voluntary disclosure of country-level information and FCPA violations. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 38(2) 360-385.

Chen, Y., Chu, X., Park, J., and Soileau, J. (2021). CEO Religious University Affiliation and Financial Reporting Quality, Accounting and Finance .

Johnston, J. and Soileau, J. (2020). Enterprise Risk Management and Accruals Estimation Error, Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 16:3.

Legoria, J., Reichelt, K., and Soileau, J. (2018). Auditors and Disclosure Quality: The Case of Major Customer Disclosures. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 37(4), 163-189.

Johnson, E. Schwartzhoff, Reichelt, K., and Soileau, J. S (2018). No News is Bad News: Do PCAOB Inspections Have an Effect on Annually Inspected Firms' Audit Fees and Audit Quality?. Journal of Accounting Literature, 41, 106-126.

Soileau, J., Webb, T. Z., and Usrey, S. C. (2017). The Influence of Jurisdictional Sitting Requirements on CPA Exam Pass Rates and Candidates. Issues in Accounting Education, 32(1), 1-15.

Callahan, C. M and Soileau, J. (2017). Does Enterprise Risk Management Enhance Operating Performance?. Advances in Accounting, 37, 122-139.

Legoria , J., Rosa, G., and Soileau, J. S (2017). Audit Quality across Non-Audit Service Fee Benchmarks: Evidence from Material Weakness Opinions. Research in Accounting Regulation, 29(2), 1-12.

Chen, Y., Eshleman, J. Daniel, and Soileau, J. (). Business Strategy and Auditor Reporting. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 36(2), 63-86.

Chen, Y., Eshleman, J. Daniel, and Soileau, J. (2016). Board Gender Diversity and Internal Control Weaknesses. Advances in Accounting, 33(June/2016), 11-19.

Chen, Y. and Soileau, J. (2014). Does Pedigree Matter? Earnings Quality of U.S. Listed Domestic Firms via Reverse Mergers. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 33(6), 573-595.

Bailey, C. D. and Soileau, J. (2011). Q-Analytics: An Ethics Case on Unlicensed Software Usage. Journal of Accounting Education, 29, 50-59.

Stephanie Walton

Donley, L., Legoria, J., Reichelt, K. J., Walton, S. (2023) Chinese Auditor Inspection Access Challenges: The Market’s Response to Integrated US Regulatory and Legislative Action. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, forthcoming.

Jiang, W., Legoria, J., Reichelt, K., and Walton, S. (2021). Firm Use of Cybersecurity Risk Disclosures. Journal of Information Systems, accepted for publication.

Laura Wiley

Wiley, L. D., Rakow, J. S., and Rakow, K. (2011). Teaching Financial Literacy in a Co-Curricular Service-Learning Model. Journal Of Accounting Education, 28(2), 103-113.


Accounting Seminar Series

Every semester, the Department of Accounting hosts a Research Seminar Series. Speakers have experience in various business disciplines and speak on topics covering the accounting field. The series provides students, faculty, and business professionals with engaging and supplementary education to help guide them in the industry.

Upcoming Seminars:

February 7 | 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. | BEC 1220

  • Doug Skinner, University of Chicago

February 21 | 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. | BEC 1305

  • Sarah Stuber, Texas A&M University

March 7 | 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. | BEC 1305

  • Alina Lerman, University of Connecticut

March 21 | 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. | BEC 1220

  • First- and Second- Year Summer Paper Preproposals

May 2 | 9 a.m. - Noon | BEC 1220

  • First- and Second- Year PhD Student Paper Proposal Defense

Explore past seminar speakers and topics:

Spring 2024

Mark Allen, LSU Department of Accounting PhD Student

Nerissa Brown, University of Illinois

Bill Buslepp, Department of Accounting Associate Professor

Jonathan Shipman, University of Arkansas

Mike Wilkins, University of Kansas

Dept. of Accounting doctoral students, First and second-year paper proposal presentations


Fall 2024

First-year PhD Student Summer Paper Presentation

Second-year PhD Student Summer Paper Defense

Joe Brazel, North Carolina State University

Spring 2023

Chad Proell, Texas Christian University

2023 Regional Research Conference featuring Jeffrey Hales, University of Texas-Austin

Dana Hollie, LSU E. J. Ourso College of Business

Daniel Aobdia, Penn State University

Dept. of Accounting doctoral students, First and second-year paper proposal presentations


Fall 2023

Dept. of Accounting doctoral students, first and second-year paper proposal presentations

Spring 2022

Emily Griffith
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Accounting and Information Systems Department

Xiumin Martin
Washington University in St. Louis
Department of Accounting

Sarfraz Khan
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Department of Accounting

First and second year summer paper proposal presentation

Doctoral Students, LSU
Department of Accounting


Fall 2022

Bin Li-University of Houston

Hilary Hughes, LSU

Christine Cheng, University of Mississippi

Zhenhua Chen, LSU

Diane Janvrin, Iowa State

Spring 2021

Anna Gold
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Accounting 
Title: Can Audit Committee Support Improve Auditors’ Application of Professional Skepticism?

Steve Kaplan
Arizona State University
Title: The impact of pay ratio disclosures on investors’ reactions to CEOs’ public attributions for poor performance

Nick Mueller
PhD Student, Louisiana State University
Title: Dissertation pre-proposal

First year Doctoral Students
Louisiana State University
Title: 1st year summer paper literature review presentation

Laura Alford
Naval Postgraduate School
Title: Predicting Federal Contractor Misconduct

Doctoral Students
Louisiana State University
Title: First and second year summer paper proposal presentation 

Fall 2021

1st and 2nd year doctoral student summer paper presentations
LSU Department of Accounting

Wanying Jiang
LSU Department of Accounting

Lacey Donley
LSU Department of Accounting

Brandon Szerwo
University at Buffalo, SUNY, Accounting and Law Department

Joe Johnston
Illinois State University, Department of Accounting

Joseph Zhang
University of Memphis
Crews School of Accountancy


Fall 2020

Stephanie Merrell
Nichols State University, Department of Accounting
Title: "Small Errors Add Up: Using Errors in the Audit Report to Evaluate an Auditor's Quality Control System"

Russell Barber
University of Colorado-Denver, Department of Accounting
Title: "Does Auditor Independence Matter? Evidence from SEC Sanctions against PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for Prohibited Non-Audit Services"

Dechun Wang
Texas A&M University, Department of Accounting
Title: "Does the Business Press Influence Equity Investors' Perception of Big 4 Audit Quality?"



Regional Research Workshop Series

The LSU Department of Accounting holds its Regional Research Workshop annually in the Business Education Complex (BEC) at LSU in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The workshop hosts well-known accounting academics and consists of a morning research session, luncheon, paper workshop, and reception.

2025 Regional Research Workshop

Date: February 7, 2025

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Location: BEC Room 1220

Speaker: Douglas J. Skinner, Sidney Davidson Distinguished Service Professor of Accounting, University of Chicago 

Register for the 2025 Workshop

9:00 AM – 10:15 AM: Dr. Doug Skinner’s presentation to PhD students and interested faculty (BEC Room 1220)

10:15 – 10:30 AM: Break

10:30 – 12:00 PM: Dr. Doug Skinner’s research presentation (BEC Room 1220)

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Lunch provided by the Department of Accounting (BEC Dining Room)

Douglas SkinnerDouglas J. Skinner is a leading expert in corporate disclosure, financial reporting, and payout policies. He has contributed significantly to academia, serving as editor for top accounting journals and leading the development of the University of Chicago's Hong Kong campus. Skinner is an independent trustee and serves as an expert financial economist in litigation involving complex accounting, anti-trust, securities, and valuation matters. Skinner’s research addresses topics that span financial reporting, disclosure, auditing, and corporate finance, focusing on the capital markets/valuation effects of firms’ financial policies. His research is published in leading academic journals including the Journal of Accounting and Economics, the Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, the Journal of Finance, and the Journal of Financial Economics.



jeffrey hales headshotJeffrey Hales, Bake Chair in Global Sustainability Leadership, Charles T. Zlatkovich Centennial Professor of Accounting, University of Texas at Austin, Executive Director of the Global Sustainability Leadership Institute

Topic: Mere Puffery of Credible Disclosure? The Real Effects of Adopting Voluntary ESG Disclosure Standards


xiumin martin headshotXiumin Martin, Professor of Accounting
Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis

Topic: What if Borrowers Were Informed About Credit Reporting? Two Randomized Field Experiments


picture of bharat sarathBharat Sarath, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance and Professor of Accounting
Rutgers University

Topic: The API and the Design of Experiments
When do managers tell the truth about Bargain Purchase Gains


picture of jeffrey hoopesJeffrey Hoopes, Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Topic: Strategic Subsidiary Disclosure

picture of Ted ChristensenTed Christensen, Director and Terry Distinguished Chair of Business
J. M. Tull School of Accounting, University of Georgia

Topic: Non-GAAP Earnings for Contracting and Financial Disclosure


picture of Mark DeFondMark DeFond, A.N. Mosich Chair in Accounting, Senior Editor of The Accounting Review
University of Southern California

Topic: Some Controversies in Auditing Literature


picture of Richard HatfieldRichard Hatfield, Ernst and Young Professor of Accounting
University of Alabama

Topic: Staff Auditors’ Proclivity for Computer Mediated Communication with Clients and its Effect on Skeptical Behavior


picture of Dan DhaliwalDan Dhaliwal
Accounting Department Head, Frances McClelland Endowed Chair
Former editor of TAR
Editorial board member of JAR
University of Arizona

Topic: Accrual Accounting and Access to External Funds: Evidence from Small Businesses


picture of S.P. KothariS.P. Kothari
Gordon Y Billard Professor of Accounting and Finance
Head of the Department of Economics, Finance, and Accounting at the MIT Sloan School of Management
Global head of equity research for Barclays Global Investors
Editor of JAE

Topic: The Effect of Borrower Transparency on Bank Competition, Risk-taking and Bank Fragility


picture of Zoe-Vonna PalmroseZoe-Vonna Palmrose
Kermit O. Hanson Professor in Business Administration
Deputy Chief Accountant of the SEC
Editorial board member of TAR and AJPT
University of Washington

Topic: PCAOB Audit Regulation a Decade After SOX: Where it Stands and What the Future holds


picture of Terry ShevlinTerry Shevlin
Paul Pigott/Paccar Professor of Business Administration, former editor of TAR, JATA
University of Washington

Topic: Does Voluntary Adoption of Clawback Provision Improve Financial Reporting?


picture of Peter EastonPeter Easton
Notre Dame Alumni Professor of Accountancy and Academic Director, Center for Accounting Research and Education
Editor of RAST, Associate Editor: JAR, CAR, JAE, TAR
Notre Dame University

Topic: Dissecting Earnings Recognition Timeliness


picture of Charles LeeCharles Lee
Joseph McDonald Professor of Accounting
Managing Director at Barclays Global Investors (BGI)
Associate editor of Management Science, RAST, JAE, and JF
Stanford University

Topic: Evaluating Implied Cost of Capital Estimates


picture of Mary BarthMary Barth
J. E. Horngren Professor of Accounting, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Member of the IASB
Editor of MS, and associate editor of TAR
Stanford University

Topic: Cost of Capital and Earnings Transparency

picture of Michael and Linda BamberMichael and Linda Bamber
Michael – Harold M. Heckman Chair of Public Accounting, consulting editor of TAR
Linda – Tull Professor of Accounting, editor of TAR
University of Georgia

Topic: Publishing Your Research


picture of Katherine SchipperKatherine Schipper
Thomas F. Keller Professor of Accounting, former editor of JAR, and former member of the FASB
Duke University

Topic: Direct and Mediated Associations Among Earnings Quality, Information Asymmetry and the Cost of Equity

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