G&A Remembers Alumnus Terance "Terry" Winemiller

Terry Winemiller Photo

Terance “Terry” Winemiller (LSU MA Anthropology, PhD Geography) died November 4, 2019 after suffering a massive and unexpected stroke.  Terry was Associate Professor at Auburn University Montgomery where he taught GIS, Geography, and Anthropology since 2001. His research focused on GIS, Remote Sensing, and 3D digital modeling, as well as 3D imaging. He started a Geospatial lab, GIS Certificate Program, and GIS degree programs at the undergraduate and MA levels at AUM. Terry was a popular and tireless teacher and well-liked by his students. Following Terry’s graduate research funded by an NSF dissertation grant on ancient Maya water management in the Yucatan, he carried out archaeological fieldwork in Eastern Honduras and had ongoing research using LiDAR for archaeology in Ecuador. He was the “Keynote Speaker” at LSU Maya Archaeology night in 2003, a public event that drew several hundred people. Terry was Co-PI on NSF grant “Ancient Maya Wooden Architecture and the Salt Industry,” focusing on 3D analysis and presentation of the submerged Paynes Creek Salt Works, Belize with his former advisor Dr. Heather McKillop (McKillop, McKee, Roberts, Winemiller). His 2018 publication “Assessing Surface Correspondence and Trade of Maya Figurines and Moulds Using Multi‐Stripe Laser Technology and Metrology” in Archaeometry 60: 1002-1017 is highly innovative. He presented on this research at the South-Central Conference on Mesoamerica October 19, 2019 at LSU.  Terry was a good friend and colleague to many people and will be missed by them and by his family. At the time of his death he was collaborating on several publications and research projects. Arrangements for a memorial service are pending.

November 6, 2019

Heather McKillop

LSU Geography & Anthropology