Navigating the Storms of Slavery: Restore, Reflect and Reclaim Conference 2024
Hosted by the Department of Geography & Anthropology
Louisiana State University
and the Southern University Law Center
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
February 8-10, 2024
Lod Cook Alumni Center
3838 West Lakeshore Drive, Baton Rouge, LA

Dr. Joyce Marie Jackson
Conference Coordinator
Chair of the Department of Geography & Anthropology
Chancellor John Pierre
Southern University Law Center
On behalf of the conference committee, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 2024 Navigating the Storms of Slavery Conference. Thank you for being interested and we are excited to host you at the LSU Lod Cook Alumni and Conference Center in Baton Rouge, LA. The LSU Dept. of Geography & Anthropology, along with our co-hosting partner, Southern University Law Center, are convening this inaugural and international conference dedicated to the past and present impact of slavery in Louisiana and LSU. The conference marks an important moment in scholarly inquiry and understanding of how the enslavement of Black and Indigenous people shaped Louisiana’s history and the history of its universities. The conference is being dedicated to Dr. Gwendolyn Midlo Hall, Professor Emeritus of History at Rutgers University, who recently passed in 2022. Professor Hall wrote the seminal book, Africans in Colonial Louisiana (LSU Press, 1992).
Read the Entire Welcome Message
Navigating the Storms of Slavery Conference is Dedicated to
Dr. Gwendolyn Midlo Hall
"Gwendolyn Midlo Hall, who after years of digging through obscure libraries in Louisiana, Spain and France managed to rescue the identities of more than 100,000 enslaved people from archival oblivion and demonstrate the vast extent of African influence on America’s cultural heritage -" - Clay Risen, New York Times, Sept. 11 2022
Registration is now open. SOS Conference registrations are subject to limited spaces. Bookings are tentative until confirmed by return email.
Agenda at a Glance
Day I
Thursday, February 8th - The first day of the conference will foreground the effectiveness of Gwendolyn Midlo Hall’s work in harnessing impactful information on the institution of slavery and how it had a profound effect on many people and places in Louisiana and other parts of the Black Atlantic World. As a persistent, tireless, and meticulous investigator, she has helped us to understand the complex and often hidden past of slavery and to relate and see how applicable it is to today’s institutions and society. For these reasons we continue to call Gwendolyn Midlo Hall’s name and dedicate this conference in her honor to celebrate what she has given to the world.
Day II
Friday, February 9, 2024 - The second day of the conference will focus on speakers who will share best practices from their universities to address the need for acknowledgement, reconciliation, and a deeper understanding of the role the institution of slavery and enslaved people (Blacks and Indigenous) had in the formation and development of universities. The conference will commence the dialog and fill in some of the silences on LSU’s past history and the impact it has on today.
Saturday, February 10, 2024 - Field Excursion
- Morning – Whitney Plantation Museum Tour, Edgard
- Afternoon – River Road African American Museum, Donaldsonville - Genealogy & Activists Session
Note: The SOS Conference logo image inside the circle is the Akan (Ghana) Bono Adinkra symbol of Sankofa, which is based on the premise and belief that human beings are part of the past and that this past shapes the present. In other words, we cannot know where we are going unless we know where we are coming from. The wavy blue lines going through and underneath the state of Louisiana symbolize that it is a coastal state with frequent storms and was a major port in the transatlantic slave trade.
Keynote Speakers
The 2024 conference will feature keynote addresses by individuals with local, national, and international reach and impact. They include:
Dr. Douglas Chambers is a retired history professor (University of Southern Mississippi), and currently
serves as Executive Director of the Igbo History Foundation LLC, and CFO of Igbo Landing
Foundation Inc., a nonprofit corporation, and is a member of the advisory board of
the Center for Igbo Studies (Dominican University, Ill.). His research centers on
African Diaspora/Black Atlantic studies, including the Igbo diaspora and runaway slaves
in the Atlantic world. Currently he is the author/editor of five books and over 20
peer-reviewed scholarly essays. Raised in Virginia, he has resided in Mississippi
since 1999.
Dr. Marianne Fisher-Giorlando is Criminal Justice Professor Emerita of Grambling State University. She has been
a member of the Louisiana State Penitentiary Museum Foundation Board since 1998 when
it opened and has served in various capacities on that board, presently serving as
the Chair of the Education committee. Fisher-Giorlando also conducts background research
for the staff of the award-winning prison magazine, The Angolite. She conducts research
about the history of the women in the Louisiana State Penitentiary and has given numerous
presentations and published articles about the women in Louisiana’s prisons. She is
a passionate supporter of the Louisiana Parole Project and is the recipient of the
Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities 2023 Lifetime Contributions to Humanities Award
which honors citizens who have supported and been involved in public appreciation
of issues central to the humanities. Raised in New Jersey, she has lived in Louisiana
since 1986.
Dr. Haywood Hall is the grandson of slaves. His parents were Professor Gwendolyn Midlo Hall and Harry
Haywood, a major black revolutionary, internationalist, and civil rights leader. Dr.
Hall is an Ashoka Social Impact Fellow, and an ACEP Hero of Emergency Medicine. and
the recipient of the International Federation Emergency Medicine humanitarian award.
He is a clinical professor of emergency medicine at University of North Carolina and
at University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center and Texas A&M University, where
he is the leader of the border and global health security program in McAllen Texas
on the US-Mexico border. He is an a internationally recognized emergency medicine
physician who is one of the founders of the Global Emergency Medicine Subspecialty.
He directed the ACEP international Ambassador Program and is the ACEP ambassador to
Mexico and Cuba. He collaborated with the Mohammed Yunis organization in organizing
the health section of a Nobel laureate pre-conference in 2015 in Atlanta. He is the
founder of PACEMD Global Heath, an organization that has trained over 50,000 health
care workers in Mexico including 20,000 in emergency childbirth. He founded an innovative
total immersion program, MedSpanish. He has organized major international conferences
and brought many counties into the IFEM as full members. He’s also an innovator and
leader in the area of telemedicine and tele-health in the United States. He lives
in central Mexico with his family. He credits his social impact drive to his parents
leadership and influence in civil rights movement and strives to continue their legacy
though efforts to improve health care in marginalized communities.
Dr. Isaac Saney is a Black Studies and Cuba specialist at Dalhousie University and coordinator of
the Black and African Diaspora Studies (BAFD) program, the first major in Black and
African Diaspora Studies in Canada. He holds a PhD in history from the School of Oriental
and African Studies - University of London. His teaching, research and scholarship
encompass Cuba, Africa, the Caribbean, Black Canadian history, the global Black liberation
struggle, and reparations. A major area of his research is Cuba's relationship with
Africa. His recent book, Cuba, Africa and Apartheid's End- Africa's Children Return! (Lexington Books, 2023) has been described as "a definitive account of Cuba’s role
in the liberation of southern Africa" and "a significant contribution to the understanding
of events in southern Africa during the 1980s and 1990s." Isaac was also the Director
of Dalhousie University's Transition Year Program, the ground-breaking program founded
in 1970 to redress the educational barriers and injustices that confront the Mi’kmaq
Nation, other Indigenous peoples in Canada, and the African Nova Scotian community.
Isaac is a long-time community activist and participant in the anti-war movement and
the anti-racist struggle and passionately believes in the collective power of the
people to transform the world in ways that bring forth justice and human dignity.
His roots lie in the African Nova Scotia community and the Caribbean.
Dr. Ibrahima Seck is a member of the History Department of Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD),
Senegal. His research is mostly devoted to the historical and cultural links between
West Africa and Louisiana with a special interest for religious beliefs, music, foodways,
and other aspects of folk culture. Dr. Seck is also a collaborator of the West African
Research Center located in Dakar, Senegal, where he initiated the Bouki Blues Festival
in 2002. This festival and other similar events are opportunities which allow him
to connect West African musicians and musicians from the US South. Dr. Seck is now
holding the position of the Director of Research of the Whitney Plantation Museum
of Slavery, located in St. John the Baptist Parish in Louisiana. He is the author
of a book on this historic site, entitled Bouki fait Gombo: A History of the Slave Community of Habitation Haydel (Whitney Plantation)
Louisiana, 1750-1860. [New Orleans: UNO Press, 2014]. He also has in press another book, entitled African Culture and Slavery in the Lower Mississippi Valley, from Iberville to Jim
Dr. Ruth J. Simmons is a Distinguished Presidential Fellow at Rice University and Adviser to the President
of Harvard University on HBCU Initiatives. She served as President of Prairie View
A&M University until March 2023. Prior to joining Prairie View, she was President
of Brown University from 2001-2012 and President of Smith College from 1995-2001.
Under her leadership, Prairie View was reclassified as an R-2 Research University
and Brown made significant strides in improving its standing as one of the world’s
finest research universities.
As the first African American president of an Ivy League institution, Simmons spearheaded Brown’s modern response to its eighteenth-century legacy of slavery in 2003. In 2006, the committee released a report documenting its findings entitled “Slavery and Justice.” The document chronicled the ways in which the university benefited both directly and indirectly from the transatlantic slave trade and the labor of enslaved people. This report marked the first major effort by an American university to address its ties to slavery and prompted other institutions to do the same.
A French professor before entering university administration, President Simmons held an appointment as a Professor of Comparative Literature and Africana Studies at Brown. After completing her Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures at Harvard, she served in various faculty and administrative roles at the University of Southern California, Princeton University, and Spelman College before becoming president of Smith College, the largest women’s college in the United States. At Smith, she launched a number of important academic initiatives, including an engineering program, the first at an American women’s college.
Simmons is the recipient of many honors, including a Fulbright Fellowship to France, the 2001 President’s Award from the United Negro College Fund, the 2002 Fulbright Lifetime Achievement Medal, the 2004 Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Medal, the Foreign Policy Association Medal, the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, and the Centennial Medal from Harvard University. She has received over forty honorary degrees from universities around the world, including Oxford University, Ewha Women’s University in South Korea and The American College in Greece. Simmons is a member of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, and the Council on Foreign Relations, and serves on the boards of the Houston Museum of Fine Arts, the Alley Theatre, The MacArthur Foundation, Morehouse College, the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, the Holdsworth Center, and Hines Global Income Trust. She received the Brown faculty’s highest honor: the Susan Colver Rosenberger Medal in 2011 and was honored by the Prairie View faculty in 2022. In 2012, she was named a ‘Chevalier’ of the French Legion of Honor.
Dr. Andrew Sluyter grew up in Canada and is in the first generation of his family to graduate high school.
He went on to earn his B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of British Columbia
and his Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin. Currently a Professor of Geography
at Louisiana State University, his research concerns understanding racialized places
and landscapes in order to contribute to decolonization and more sustainable relationships
with nature. Two decades ago, he authored Colonialism and Landscape, the seminal monograph on settler colonialism in his field. Black Ranching Frontiers: African Cattle Herders of the Atlantic World, 1500–1900 followed a decade later to reveal the long-silenced voices of people of African origin
regarding the establishment of cattle ranching throughout the Americas. His most recent
book, the prize-winning Hispanic and Latino New Orleans: Immigration and Identity since the Eighteenth Century, addresses how immigrants from Spain and Latin America have long played central roles
in creating New Orleans and its remarkable sense of place. He has served as the Executive
Director of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, Editor in Chief for the
Americas of the Journal of Historical Geography, and on various committees of the American Association of Geographers. Previous honors
include the J.B. Jackson Book Prize from the American Association of Geographers,
the Carl O. Sauer Distinguished Scholarship Award from the Conference of Latin Americanist
Geographers, and a Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies.
Dr. Leon R. Tarver II, a highly respected retired American academic administrator, is most notably recognized
for his tenure as the president of the Southern University System, the sole public,
historically black university system in the United States, from 1997 to 2005. Born
in Shreveport, Louisiana, Dr. Tarver received his primary education from local public
schools. He later attended Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana,
where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. Dr. Tarver continued
his education by obtaining a Masters of Public Administration from Harvard University's
John K. Kennedy School of Government and a Doctor of Philosophy from The Union Institute
in Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Tarver's career at Southern University began in 1992 as a
professor of Public Administration. He later served as the executive administrator
of the Southern University Center of Cultural Heritage and International Programs.
In addition to his contributions to Southern University, Dr. Tarver has also worked
in international development, providing guidance to numerous countries, including
Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, and South Africa. In 2013, Governor Bobby Jindal appointed
Dr. Tarver to the Board of Trustees of Southern University. Since 2015, he has served
as Chairman, and Chairman Emeritus of the Southern University Board of Supervisors.
Dr. Tarver has previously served as the Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Revenue
and Taxation.
Students and Community/Cultural Stakeholders
Are you interested in attending the SOS Conference and you are a student, community/cultural stakeholder, activist, artist, or non-professional researcher/scholar? If so, limited student and community registration scholarships are available. Student delegates must provide valid student ID for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Delegate registration includes all keynotes, panels and meals February 8th and 9th. The SOS Field Trip on the 10th is a separate fee, but includes bus transport, 2 entry fees for tours, panel session, and lunch. The deadline for registering for the SOS Field Trip is February 7, 2024.
Registration Information
Category | Description | Cost |
Conference Fee | Two-days Conference plus 5 Meals and Entertainment | $250 |
One Day of Conference (Thursday only) | Speakers, 3 meals and entertainment | $150 |
One Day of Conference (Friday only) | Speakers, 2 meals | $125 |
Saturday SOS Field Trip (Registration Deadline 02/07/24) | Bus Transport, Speaker Session, Lunch and 2 Entrance fees | $75 |
Category | Description | Cost |
Students and Community Delegates | Does not include SOS Field Trip | $100 |
Students and Community Delegates With Scholarship | Does not include SOS Field Trip | $25 |
Saturday SOS Field Trip (Deadline 02/07/24) | Bus Transport, Speaker Session, Lunch and 2 Entrance fees | $75 |
Note: Students and community delegates are eligible for a 75% conference registration discount. It must be applied for through the registration portal and cannot be done onsite at conference. To receive a discount code for the student fee, you must send a copy of your current student ID to Zach Averette, (
To pay by check, please address to SOS 2024 Conference Registration and send to:
SOS 2024 Conference Administrator
LSU Geography & Anthropology
227 Howe-Russell-Kniffen Complex
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Hotel Booking
Navigating the Storms of Slavery
02/07/24 to 02/11/24
Book Online Now
Cutoff date: 02/07/24
Or call toll free:
866-610-2665 (COOK)
Cancellation Policy
All cancellations are subject to a $150 processing fee. After December 15, cancellations will be refunded at 50% after application of the processing fee. After February 2, no refunds will be provided for confirmed places. To apply for a refund, please contact Zach Averette (
Restaurants and Activities
For places to eat and things to see near the conference, see our list of restaurants and activities (PDF).