Military Science Course Descriptions
Cadet Levels and Courses
Freshman (MSL I)
Sophomore (MSL II)
Junior (MSL III)
Senior (MSL IV)
Prereq.: MILS 3012. To receive academic credit, student must enroll in summer session
prior to departure for CLC. It is a four week course conducted at Ft. Knox with instructors
and cadets representing ROTC Programs from the US, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Intense leadership application and training in military skills; oral and written orders,
light infantry tactics, weapons systems and confidence building events.
Open to all LSU students. Cadet Initial Entry Training is designed for students typically
between their sophomore and junior years, consisting of a four-week. Upon successful
completion of the course, graduates can take part in ROTC as an military science-level
III in the four-year program. No academic credit given.