Application period open for the Luke Bashore Traveling Scholar award and Jay Perkins Scholarship for Study Abroad


If you plan to study “away” in 2016, the Manship School may be able to give you some scholarship help!


The Luke Bashore Traveling Scholar award is for students who want to study overseas, in Washington, D.C. or in the News 21 program at Arizona State University.


The Jay Perkins Scholarship for Study Abroad prefers student applicants who wish to study in Eastern Europe, South America or locations where journalistic practices are different from the U.S. system.


Each scholarship requires an application and a short essay. You can follow these links for more information and the applications:


Jay Perkins Scholarship for Study Abroad Application


Luke Bashore Traveling Scholarship


Applications are due Friday, January 29 to 211 Journalism by 4 p.m.


Questions? Please email Safe travels!