CEE’s Mohammad Appointed to Editorship of ASCE Publication

December 20, 2024

Louay Mohammed in front of lab equipmentBATON ROUGE, LA – LSU Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor Louay Mohammad has been selected to serve as co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (JMCE), a publication of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

The JMCE is the premier publication in the United States dedicated to advancing research and disseminating knowledge about civil engineering materials. Its content is organized into four key sections, and Mohammad will oversee three:

  • Section B—Bituminous/Flexible Pavements
  • Section C—Geo-Materials (Bases/Subbases)
  • Section D—Mason, Metals, and Timber

Over the course of his 37-year career, Mohammad has made groundbreaking advancements in construction materials characterization, pavement engineering, asphalt science, and sustainable and resilient infrastructure. He has led numerous landmark projects, including efforts to improve the engineering state of practice in flexible pavement; showcase how to recycle waste tires for use on Louisiana roads without sacrificing performance quality; and establish multidisciplinary focus research on sustainability, the effects of climate change, and sea-level rise on the state’s road infrastructure.

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