EdS Science Education

Intended primarily for teachers, counselors, supervisors, and administrators in elementary and secondary schools, the Certificate of Education Specialist (EdS) program provides in-depth opportunities for professional growth and specialization for those who have completed the master’s degree. Students enrolled in this program will advance their understanding and application in areas of humanistic and behavioral studies, educational research, and Science Education content and teaching practices.
Program Structure
A minimum of 60 hours of graduate credit—which may include hours earned in the master’s degree—is required. A minimum of 18 hours of the last 24 hours must be taken for resident credit in the School of Education. All programs must be approved by the student's graduate advisor. A minimum of nine hours must be taken outside of the College of Human Sciences and Education. A content-specific practicum will be completed.
Required Coursework
Select from areas such as educational foundations, special education, multicultural education, psychology, sociology, philosophy, human development, or anthropology. The courses must be from two different areas.
EDCI 7475 Research Project in Secondary or K-12 Teacher Education (3)
ELRC 4006 Introduction to Applied Statistics in Educational Research (3)
ELRC 4249 Understanding and Applying Research in Education (3)
PSYC 4111 Intermediate Statistics
or approved equivalent
EDCI 5880 Special Topics in Education: Assessment in Math and Science (3)
EDCI 7307 Topics in Curriculum & Instruction: Using Informal Settings to Teach Science and Math
EDCI 7308 Topics in Science Education: Teaching the Nature of Science (3)
EDCI 7308 Topics in Science Education: Technology Integration in Science and Math (3)
EDCI 7921 Analysis of Research in Curriculum and Instruction: Inquiry in Science and Mathematics
EDCI 7930 Seminar: Curriculum & Instruction (Trends and Issues in Science Education) (3)
EDCI 7931 Seminar: Curriculum & Instruction (Project-Based Learning in Science and Mathematics)
EDCI 7931 Seminar: Curriculum & Instruction (Sociocultural Perspectives in Science and Mathematics)
- A focus and coursework are selected by joint agreement between student and advisor, in consultation with other faculty members as needed. Course topics are specific to the Science Education specialization.
- Must include 18 hours beyond the Masters.
- Students may take special topics courses (e.g., EDCI 7308, EDCI 7931) more than once, if the topic is different.
EDCI 7610 Advanced Seminar and Practicum in Curriculum & Instruction (6)
or approved equivalent
and select one of the following courses:
EDCI 7821 Problems in Curriculum & Instruction (2-4)
EDCI 7822 Problems in Curriculum & Instruction (2-4)
EDCI 7824 Elementary School Curriculum (3)
EDCI 7825 Secondary School Curriculum (3)
EDCI 7843 Early Childhood Education (3)
EDCI 7901 Curriculum Theory (3)
EDCI 7902 Analysis of Research on Teaching (3)
EDCI 7903 Curriculum Planning (3)
or approved equivalent
Electives may include courses outside the School of Education. Electives are approved by the major advisor.