IEAGHG Monitoring Network Meeting:
Monitoring, Commercialisation & Regulatory Developments
August 8th – 10th 2023
Louisiana State University and the Gulf Coast Carbon Center
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
The IEAGHG Monitoring Network aims to assess new technologies and techniques in the monitoring of CO2 storage, determine the limitations, accuracy and applicability of monitoring techniques and share experiences from research and storage projects around the world.
This meeting will be the 14th in-person meeting of this IEAGHG expert network and will be split into two separate themes: day 1, a technical deep-dive into developments in monitoring techniques, methods and processes aimed at monitoring experts, and day 2, which will be aimed more at regulators and regulatory issues in monitoring.
Technical sessions will involve presentations from international experts and discussions on areas such as fiber optics, low-cost monitoring for subsurface seismic, non-seismic methods, offshore environmental monitoring, terrestrial monitoring and automation and integration of MMV. The regulatory focused day will delve into framing the problem, environmental aspects, requirements and societal considerations of monitoring.

This year’s Monitoring Network meeting will be split into two days: the first (8th August) will be a technical deep dive into new developments in the area of monitoring of geologic CO2 storage aimed at monitoring experts, and the second (9th August) will be a regulatory-focused day, aiming to inform and educate regulators on MMV of storage. Day 1 will be in-person only, and Day 2 will be held as a hybrid meeting, where online attendees can join the in-person delegates.
The agenda is under development, but sessions will include the following:
DAY 1 (in-person only)
- Fiber Optics & Low-Cost Monitoring for Subsurface Seismic
- Non-Seismic Methods
- Offshore Environmental Monitoring
- Terrestrial Monitoring
- Automation & Integration of MMV
DAY 2 (in-person and virtual)
- Framing the Problem
- Tools
- Environmental Aspects
- Societal Considerations of Monitoring
- Panel Discussion: Getting to Closure
- Closing Session: Unmet Needs
A morning trip to see a proposed Shell storage site including a pad and a wellhead, and then an afternoon visit to LSU’s PERTT (Petroleum Engineering Research, Training, & Testing) Lab and a tour by relevant experts.
Field trip is included in the main registration fee.
Lodging is available at the Cook Hotel & Conference Center at LSU.
You can book your stay online, using this link: Please note the booking cut-off date for this link is 7/18/23.
Alternatively, you can book over the phone (US 225-383-2665) by mentioning the block name (IEAGHG R&D Program Monitoring Network) or the block code (230807IEAG).
$260 (plus $11.05 service fee) for the two day in-person meeting (free for regulators in-person on Day 2 only), and free for online participants on the Day 2 hybrid sessions only. The rate for the in-person meeting will include refreshments, lunches and a meeting dinner on Tuesday 8th August.
In person attendance is limited, and registrations may be ceased after the limit is reached.