Artificial Intelligence (AI) Working Groups

Working groups have been established to address instructional uses of AI, research uses of AI, and putting AI to work to manage day-to-day business. The groups will submit a report on their work by March 31, 2024.

Steering Committee

  • Roy Haggerty, Executive Vice President & Provost, Chair
  • Jackie Bach, Vice Provost for Academic Programs & Support Services
  • Inessa Bazayev, Faculty Senate President
  • Prosanta Chakrabarty, George H. Lowery, Jr. Professor, Biological Sciences
  • Oliver Garden, Dean, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine

Research, Economic Development, and Intellectual Property (REDI)

The Working Group on AI in Research, Economic Development, and Intellectual Property is established to guide and oversee the university's strategic direction in AI research, and the role of AI in research, innovation, intellectual property management, and economic development. The working group will ensure alignment with LSU policies, ethical standards, and community impact considerations.  The work of this working group is vital to positioning the university as a leader in AI research, development, intellectual property, and economic development. 


Education, Curriculum, Workforce Readiness, Accessibility, and Inclusivity (ECWRAI)

The Working Group on Education, Curriculum, Workforce Readiness, Accessibility, and Inclusivity is tasked with guiding the university's strategic direction in integrating AI into education, curriculum development, workforce preparation, and ensuring accessibility and inclusivity. This working group will emphasize curricular development, educational uses and guidelines for AI, ethical considerations, and unbiased AI applications.  The efforts of this working group are essential to the university's mission to provide cutting-edge AI education, prepare students for the future workforce, and ensure accessibility and inclusivity. By fostering ethical considerations and responsible use of AI, the working group will contribute to the university's reputation as a leader in AI education and community engagement.

learn more about eCWRAI

Business and Operational Uses of AI (BUS/OP)

The working group on Business and Operational Uses of AI is established to guide and oversee the university's strategic direction in the integration of AI into internal business processes, operations, and the broader business strategy within the academic units of LSU (functionally defined as units reporting to the Provost and Enrollment Management, which is all academic units, student affairs, research, student success, etc.) This working group will ensure alignment with LSU policies, ethical standards, environmental sustainability, and accessibility considerations. The work of this working group is vital to positioning the university as a leader in leveraging AI for efficient, effective, and responsible business and operational practices. 

learn more about bus/op