Emma Long
Speaker Pro Tempore, Student Government

I want to make an impact on campus and Student Government has really been an avenue
for me to do that.
Now, in my role as Speaker Pro Tempore, it's great to give back to the organization that has given me so much and foster new Senators to get their own initiatives done.
Sometimes the road con be long to get a project done but once its done and other students are able to use the service you championed it makes the work so much more meaningful.
...it's great to give back to the organization that has given me so much and foster new Senators to get their own initiatives done. -Emma
Favorite campus spot
The outdoor area by City Pork and the College of Art and Design building is so nice. I love being outside and feeling the air while I do my work. Sometimes I even move my office hours out there.
When I need a break
I love to walk the LSU lakes with friends or just when I need some time to clear my mind. The lakes are so pretty and I like seeing the turtles and birds play around.
Favorite reads
My favorite books are Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift and Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson.
Expected graduation May 2025
B.A., Mass Communication, Louisiana State University
B.A., Political Science, Louisiana State University
Contact Emma