Emma Bruney
Speaker, Student Government

I decided to take on the roll of Speaker because of my love for LSU. I have been a
Senator since my Freshman year, and nothing beats the feeling of being able to enact
real lasting change on a campus that has given me so much.
I also wanted to give back to and grow this organization because it has allowed me to meet such amazing people and have such wonderful experiences these last three years. The Student Senate and Student Government as a whole have helped mold me into the person I am today, and I hope to help make that same kind of impact on this year’s group of students.
I have watched three strong intelligent female leaders take on this role, and I am honored to say that I have the opportunity to continue the work that they started and continue to make LSU a better place.
...nothing beats the feeling of being able to enact real lasting change on a campus that has given me so much. -Emma
Just a small town girl
I was born and raised in a small town called Nederland, Texas about two and a half hours from LSU. My mother who also grew up there is my greatest role model and my best friend.
Reaching great heights
If you haven't met me in person yet, you may be surprised to know that I am six feet tall.
Love at first oak tree
My favorite spot on campus is the Memorial Oak Grove. It was one of the first things I saw when I toured LSU, and I like to joke that I chose LSU because I fell in love with the trees.
B.S. Candidate, Louisiana State University
Contact Emma