Congratulations to the 2024 LSU University Faculty Award Recipients from the College of Science

April 23, 2024

Baton Rouge- Celebrating dedication to research, education, and service, LSU's annual faculty awards recognize 36 outstanding individuals this year, including seven from the LSU College of Science. These awards honor faculty who demonstrate excellence in teaching, research, and community engagement, showcasing their remarkable contributions to our academic community and beyond.

These individuals were honored at an awards ceremony and reception on Tuesday, April 23, at the Manship Theater.

"I want to congratulate the award winners from the College of Science who were recognized at today’s ceremony. They are a testament to the excellence and commitment we have among our faculty, who are leaders in scholarship and teaching. In the LSU College of Science, we believe in a culture of collaboration, communication, and engagement as the key to success. Each of these individuals embodies these values, upholds the best for LSU, and leads the way to a better future for our university, our state, and beyond," said LSU College of Science Dean Cynthia Peterson.

Alumni Association Faculty Excellence Award

Shea Vela-Vick, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics


LSU Foundation Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award

Stephen Shipman, Professor, Department of Mathematics


Alumni Association Rising Faculty Research Award

K. Adam Bohnert, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

Noémie Elgrishi, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry


George H. Deer Distinguished Teaching Award  

Adam Hrincevich, Senior Instructor, Department of Biological Sciences


Ogden Honors College Outstanding Teaching Award

Scott Baldridge, Loretta Cox Stuckey & Dr. James G. Traynham Distinguished Professor, Department of Mathematics


University College Alumni Association Teaching Assistant Award

 Christian Ennis, Department of Mathematics