Multidisciplinary Science in the Multimessenger Era

Olivia Crowell, LSU
Explosive transients, such as supernova, are a key focus in astronomy and astrophysics. However, new understanding of these events requires synthesis of information across several domains of science. In order to foster multidisciplinary research in this area, LSU, the Department of Energy, NASA, and the National Science Foundation recently hosted the ‘Multidisciplinary Science in the Multimessenger Era’ workshop on the LSU campus.
Astrophysical observations of the cosmos allow us to understand how our universe works. Modern astronomy is increasingly operating under a holistic approach, answering a question based on information gathered with observations from all forms of light, such as X-rays, and beyond, such as the gravitational waves detected by LIGO facilting in Livingston, La. This is analogous to how we make sense of our environment by combining information from all five senses. Key sources of interest are explosive transients, whose understanding requires multidisciplinary studies at the intersection of Astrophysics, Gravitational Physics, Nuclear Science, Plasma Physics, Fluid Dynamics, Computational Physics, Particle Physics, and Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Science, and their corresponding interdisciplinary fields.
Incorporating fundamental physics into higher fidelity astrophysical observables requires both high-performance computing studies and enhanced data analysis methodologies. Multidisciplinary studies must occur across the separate fields of science, between different funding agencies, and across different professional societies. The reward includes understanding the origin of the elements, whether we can peek inside a black hole, and why we appear so alone in the universe.

Olivia Crowell, LSU
The workshop goals were to identify opportunities in multidisciplinary studies, both in using information from other fields to interpret astrophysical observations, but also to use astrophysical observations to probe outstanding questions in other fields. Participants are collaborating to contribute to a community-driven white paper, which will be used to guide future research efforts across funding agencies in the US. As a bonus, the TDAMM attendees visited LIGO Livingston, LA to tour the observatory and science education center.
Mimi LaValle
LSU Physics & Astronomy