Mark Wilde Chosen as APS Physical Review Journal Outstanding Referee

Eddy Perez, LSU Strategic Communications
Associate Professor Mark M. Wilde is among the 151 Outstanding Referees of the Physical Review journals for 2021, as chosen by the journal editors. Wilde also holds an appointment in the LSU Center for Computation and Technology (CCT).
Instituted in 2008, the Outstanding Referee program expresses appreciation for the essential work that anonymous peer reviewers do for the Physical Review journals. Each year a small percentage of the 78,400 active referees are selected and honored with the Outstanding Referee designation. Selections are made based on the number, quality, and timeliness of referee reports as collected in a database over the last 40 years. A full listing and further details on the program are available here:
“Allow me to congratulate the LSU Department of Physics & Astronomy and your faculty member Mark M. Wilde on this honor and thank you for your support and contributions to the APS journals and to the physics community,” said Michael Thoennessen, Editor in Chief, American Physical Society.
“Peer review is really the pillar of scholarly communication. We rely on these volunteers. Some of them have done outstanding work for us, and it really needs to be recognized,” said former APS Editor-in-Chief Gene Sprouse.
Under this program, each year APS journal editors choose for recognition a number of referees based on the number, timeliness, and quality of their referee reports. Good referees “have to know the field; they have to be fair, reasonable, and knowledgeable,” said Sprouse.
Referees are recognized for their service to any of the APS journals, and they do not have to be APS members to be eligible for the award. This year’s winners come from over 40 countries. The recognition is a one-time award, and those selected are given the title “Outstanding Referee.”
Referees often see their work as a duty to the physics community. APS now recognizes those who accept that obligation.
The Outstanding Referees will receive a certificate and a lapel pin. They will be honored at the APS March and April Meeting Prize and Awards sessions.
Wilde is a renowned researcher in quantum information science – the extension of classical information and computing science to the realm of quantum mechanics. He has authored a textbook “Quantum Information Theory” that explores the connection between entropy and information at the quantum level, and he has recently coauthored another textbook “Principles of Quantum Communication Theory: A Modern Approach,” on related topics. Wilde received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California in 2008, his M.S. from Tulane University in 2004, and his B.S. from Texas A&M University in 2002.
Mimi LaValle
LSU Physics & Astronomy