Students Involved

This project would not be possible without the tireless work of the students who conduct the interviews and help to expand the LA Women in Politics Oral History Project archive. 

Louisiana State University

Moumita Roy's headshot

Moumita Roy

Spring 2023 - Present


Ashlyn Barclay headshot

Ashlyn Barclay

Fall 2022


Dylan Borel headshot

Dylan Borel

Summer 2022


Adamaris Chavez headshot

Adamaris Chavez

Summer 2022


Lilliana Barahona headshot

Lilliana Barahona

Spring 2022


Mariana Fontaina headshot

Mariana Fontaiña

Spring 2021 - Fall 2022


Nora Scott headshot

Nora Scott

Fall 2022


Jaycee Gill headshot

Jaycee Gill

Fall 2020 - Fall 2021


Lauren West headshot

Lauren West

Fall 2019 - Spring 2020



Louisiana Tech University

Madeleine Adams headshot

Madeleine Adams

Fall 2021 - Spring 2022


Jessica Vergo headshot

Jessica Vergo

Fall 2020 - Spring 2021



Tulane University

Susan Worley Headshot

Susan Worley

Fall 2022 - Spring 2023t

Headshot of Ava BurasAva Buras

Summer 2023-Fall 2023


University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Laura Hughes headshot

Laura Hughes

Fall 2021 - Summer 2022


Headshot of Kathyrn Stanford

Kathryn M Stanford

Summer 2024- Present


McNeese State University

Katelynn Adrian headshotKatelynn Adrian

Summer 2023-Fall 2023


Xavier University of Louisiana

Naomi Winston

Naomi Winston

Fall 2020 - Spring 2021