Shawnna Eberhard-Smith

Director, Greek Life

shawnna photo

I care deeply about providing students with a sense of belonging that lasts during college and long after. It was time in college and more specifically in my sorority, that showed me a true sense of community, helped me discover more about who I was and I had so much fun!

College years can be transformative and are so memorable, and if I can play a role in supporting students on this part of their life journey, the way I was supported, or even just help them find enjoyment outside of the classroom, I will continue to do this work because I believe in the positive impact fraternities and sororities can have for so many people!



I care deeply about providing students with a sense of belonging that lasts during college and long after. -Shawnna

Greek Affiliation

Alpha Chi Omega

You'd be surprised to know

I'm a first-generation college student who was raised by my grandparents.

Causes I'm passionate about

I'm passionate about Domestic Violence Awareness, Animal Rights & Rescue, Child Abuse Prevention, Womxn's Rights and the Black Lives Matter Movement.

Alternate career

If I wasn't doing this work, I'd want to be an FBI Agent.


MA, University of the Pacific
BA, California State University, Sacramento

Contact Shawnna
333 LSU Student Union