Recent News Releases
The Stately Oak
While philanthropic motivations vary, they yield a common outcome for the College of Agriculture and the LSU AgCenter: enhanced ability to drive the mission.
Louisiana Land and Culture course takes a deep dive into Louisiana culture
Louisiana may be well known for its colorful culture, unique traditions, and spicy cuisine, but the history behind its beloved customs is often untold and many students graduate from LSU without learning about the state.
LSU dietetic program receives 100% match rate for second consecutive year
Twenty-seven spring 2021 graduates and four alumni of the LSU dietetics concentration pursing the path to become a registered dietitian were matched or accepted admission to a dietetic internship or graduate program with a supervised practice pathway.
MendelU partners with LSU College of Agriculture in joint course
LSU College of Agriculture and a university in the Czech Republic offered a joint class for the first time during spring 2021. International Comparative Analysis of Regional Food Systems (AGEC 4700) was jointly developed by LSU and Mendel University (MendelU) faculty.
Ag Mentoring Program benefits both students and mentors
The LSU College of Agriculture's Mentoring Program recently completed its fourth year of the Ag Mentor Program. The program pairs current students with alumni and supporters of the college for professional development and networking opportunities.
School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences graduates first student in the medicinal plant sciences concentration
Plant and soil systems major, David Baudoin, was among the first LSU College of Agriculture students to graduate with a concentration in medicinal plants.