Dr. Jesse Gellrich
Professor - English
Bachelor's Degree(s): Seton Hall
Master's Degree: Fordham
PhD: SUNY- Buffalo
Phone: (225) 578-2825
E-mail: jgellri@lsu.edu
Office: 202 Old President's House
Area of Interest
Medieval literature, critical theory, the Bible and Literature
Awards & Honors
Awards, Prizes, Recognitions for Scholarship
1. Princeton University Visiting Fellow, Department of Art and Archaeology, summer
1997. Awarded
for essays and book-project on medieval illuminated manuscripts.
Gellrich, Vita, p. 2
2. John Nicholas Brown Prize, Mediaeval Academy of America, Honorable Mention for
The Idea of
the Book in the Middle Ages, 1989. Awarded in an international competition for the
best first book
on medieval civilization by a single author.
3. The Idea of the Book in the Middle Ages (Cornell University Press, 1985) has been
the subject of
symposia and professional conferences at: 1) Oregon State Univ., April, 1990; 2) same,
April, 1991;
3) University of Pennsylvania, October 27, 1989; 4) Loyola University of Chicago,
Lake Shore,
September 30, 1994; 5) University of Odense, Denmark, November 15-17, 1999.
Other Research Support and Grants
1. Board of Regents Research Grant, Louisiana State University, Teaching release,
Fall 2007, for work
on Before Interpretation (as above).
2. Board of Regents Travel Research Grant, Louisiana State University, Summer 2004,
to support
foreign travel for book-in-progress and participation in symposium (France).
3. Board of Regents Travel to Collections Grant, English Department, Louisiana State
awarded Summer 2004 to work on illuminated manuscript at the Morgan Library (NYC),
for essay
on Windmill Psalter.
4. Board of Regents Faculty Fellowship, Louisiana State University, awarded for Summer
2001 to begin
work on book in preparation, Before Interpretation (as above).
5. Board of Regents Faculty Enhancement Award, Louisiana State University, effective
Fall, 2000.
6. NEH Summer Stipend Senior Nominee, Louisiana State University, 1997, for research
related to book
in progress, Medieval Cultural Diglossia. (Not funded)
7. Summer Faculty Stipend, Louisiana State University, 1997, for essays on manuscript
(published in 2000 and forthcoming in 2004).
8. Manship Faculty Fellowship, Louisiana State University, 1997. Subvention of $1,000
for NEH
9. Summer Faculty Stipend, Louisiana State University, 1994. For final work on second
book and essay
published 1996.
10. Manship Faculty Fellowship, Louisiana State University, 1990. For work on second
11. Fellowship, American Council of Learned Societies, 1986-1987. Awarded for a year's
leave for
research leading to second book,
12. Presidential Grant, University of Santa Clara, 1980. For essay published 1981.
13. Summer Faculty Fellowship, University of California, Irvine, 1972. For essays
published 1974.
14. Industrial Associates Award, University of California, Irvine, 1972 and 1973.
Awards for
development of multimedia (art history and music theory) in scholarship.
15. University Fellowship, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1968-1969. Duty-free
stipend to
complete doctoral dissertation.
Award for Teaching
1.Tiger Athletic Foundation Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching in the College
of Arts and
Sciences, 1997-1998.
Selected Publications
The Idea of the Book in the Middle Ages: Language Theory, Mythology, and Fiction. Ithaca: CornellUniversity Press, 1985, 1986. Paperback pub. 1987, 1988, 1989.2. Discourse and Dominion in the Fourteenth Century: Oral Contexts of Writing in Philosophy, Politics,and Poetry. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. On-line pub., Princeton, 2000.Chapters or Essays in Books (Refereed)1. "The Structure of Allegory," in Analecta Husserliana: Yearbook of Phenomenological Research, 18(1984):505-519.2. "On Medieval Interpretation and Mythology," in Analecta Husserliana: Yearbook of PhenomenologicalResearch, 18 (l984):185-193.3. "Figura, Allegory, and the Question of History," in Literary History and the Challenge of Philology: TheLegacy of Erich Auerbach, pp. 107-23, 275-78. Ed. Seth Lerer. Stanford: Stanford University Press,1996.4. "The Art of the Tongue: Illuminating Speech and Writing in Later Medieval Manuscripts," in Virtue andVice: The Personifications in the Index of Christian Art, pp. 93-119. Ed. Colum Hourihane. Princeton:Princeton University Press, 2000.5. "The Art of Rhetoric and the Art of the Page: Figurae in the Illuminations of The Getty Apocalypse," inText and Voice: The Rhetoric of Authority in the Middle Ages. Ed. Marianne Børch, pp. 168-194.Odense, University Press of Southern Denmark, 2004.Articles in Journals (Refereed)6. "Nicholas' 'Kynges Noote' and 'Melodye'," in English Language Notes, 8 (1971):849-852.7. "The Parody of Medieval Music in The Miller's Tale," in Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 83(1974):176-188.8. "'Lemman, Thy Grace, and Sweete Bryd, Thyn Oore!'" in American Notes and Queries. Sup. I (1978):15-18.9. "The Argument of the Book: Medieval Writing and Modern Theory," in Clio: Interdisciplinary Journal ofLiterature, Philosophy, and the Philosophy of History, 10 (1981):245-263.10. "Deconstructing Allegory," in Genre: A Quarterly Devoted to Generic Criticism, 18 (1985):197-213.11. "Orality, Literacy, and Crisis in the Later Middle Ages," in Philological Quarterly, 67 (1988):461-473;480.12. "Allegory and Materiality: Medieval Foundations of the Modern Debate,” in Germanic Review, 77(2002):146-159.Book Reviews and Abstracts not listed.
1. Publication of new website: The Middle Ages Online, released in June 2013, and hosted by LSU; linked on the website of the Department of English (http://www.lsu.edu/middleages). A project in traditonal research bibliography for the digital age, intended for scholars and academic audiences, with specific guidance about resources for members of the LSU commmunity.
2. Co-organizer of Symposium at LSU, Septhember 27-28; Gulf Medieval and Renassiance Symposium (formerly Louisiana Consortium of Medieval and Renaissance Studies). The annual meeting will take place in the French House on the LSU campus (Baton Rouge), Friday and Saturday (September 27-28), with over forty scholarly presentations by faculty and graduate students from academic ccommunitites of the Gulf States. There is no registration fee. Coffee and snacks will be provided. Symposium is dedicated to the late Professor Mark Zucker (J. Franklin Bayhi Alumni Professor of Art History at LSU).