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New America Media
Ethnic Media Award Winners 2009


Pictures from Discussion Sessions

National Ethnic Media Expo & Awards in Atlanta, June 4-5, 2009

In this slideshow, we have used the pictures of some award recipients. A total of 43 ethnic media journalists received New America Media Ethnic Media Awards 2009 in 17 categories.

National Ethnic Media Expo & Awards

On June 4th & 5th, New America Media organized the 2009 National Ethnic News Awards Ceremony at a gala dinner at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Atlanta and conducted a series of plenary sessions and professional development workshops for ethnic media practitioners and attendees (Source: New America Media).

NAM announced 2009 Ethnic Media Awards winners

New America Media (NAM), “the nation’s largest association of ethnic media outlets,” announced winners of its National Ethnic Media Awards for print, broadcast and web journalism on May 28, 2009. List of 2009 National Ethnic Media Awards Winners

According to a NAM news release, more than 300 entrees were submitted for 17 reporting categories ranging from investigative reporting to blogging.  Read More




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