Extension publications:


Hu, Xing Ping, D. R. Ring, A. Morgan, D. K. Pollet. 2000. A Guide for Integrated Pest Management of Termites. Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service. pub 2797.


Ring, D. R. & D. K. Pollet. 2000. Insects and mites of Louisiana citrus. Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service. pub. 1261.


Mao, L., D. R. Ring, A. L. Morgan, & D. K. Pollet. 2001. Formosan Subterranean Termite Damage and Detection. Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service. pub. 2840.


Mao, L., D. R. Ring, A. L. Morgan, & D. K. Pollet. 2001. Formosan subterranean termite. Formosan Subterranean Termite Identification and Biology. Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service. pub. 284.


Ring, D. R. 2002. Integrated Pest Management of Termites and Other Wood Destroying Organisms: A Louisiana Perspective. Proc. 8 th annual ARK-LA-TEX Forestry Forum. Shreveport, Louisiana. LSU Agricultural Center. Pp. 61-71.


Stout, M. J., Rice, W. C., & Ring, D. R. 2004. Integrated management of the rice water weevil. Louisiana Agriculture. 45: 20-21.


Ring, Dennis R. 2004. Do not spread Formosan subterranean termites. Extension publication.


Ring, Dennis R. 2004. Do not spread Formosan subterranean termites. magnet.


Shupe, T., D. Ring, A. Morgan, G. Henderson, & Q. Wu. 2006. Use preservative-treated wood when rebuilding after a hurricane. LSU Agricultural Center Pub. 2938: 1-4.


Ring, D., L. Benedict, G. Henderson. & A. Morgan. 2006. Efforts under way to prevent spread of Formosan subterranean termites in mulch from Louisiana following hurricanes Katrina and Rita.


Henderson, G., B. Carney, A. Morgan, & D. Ring. 2005. Keep Formosan subterranean termites from spreading after hurricanes. LSU Agricultural Center.


Ring, D., L. Benedict, A. Morgan & G. Henderson. 2006. Quarantine on wood, cellulose material after hurricanes Katrina and Rita. LSU Agricultural Center.


Bogren, R. 2006. Hurricanes don’t stop termite research in New Orleans. Louisiana Agriculture. Winter 2006: 8.


Ring. D., A. Morgan, F. Guillot, A.Lax & D. Boykin. 2006. Integrated pest management approach to French Quarter termite problem. Louisiana Agriculture. Winter 2006: 7-8.


Shupe, T.F., D. Ring, A. Morgan, G. Henderson, and Q. Wu. 2006. Use preservative-treated wood and integrated pest management when rebuilding. Southern Regional Extension Publication. 4 p.


Dennis Ring, Charles McCown, Alan Morgan, Frank Guillot, & Alan Lax. Louisiana Agriculture. Formosan Subterranean Termite Management in the French Quarter. Fall 2007. Vol. 50, No. 4. p. 11.


Dennis Ring, Gregg Henderson, & Charles McCown. Louisiana Agriculture. Treating Trees: A Successful Louisiana Program for Managing Formosan Subterranean Termites. Fall 2007. Vol. 50, No. 4. pp. 12-13.


Shupe, Todd F., Ring, Dennis R. "Causes and Control of Wood Decay Degradation and Stain ". 2008, Publication No. 2703.


Voitier, M.D., J.P. Curole, T.F. Shupe, Q. Wu, D. Ring. 2008. Understanding the Treated Lumber Quality Mark.


Hall, Michael J., Pollet, Dale K., Ring, Dennis R. "Bug Biz: Pecan Spittlebugs". 2009, Publication No. 1886.


Voitier, M., D. Ring, T. Shupe, K. Ragon, and J. Curole. 2009. Preservative treatments. AgCenter. Online.


Copes, J. T., G. L. Snodgrass, J. Sharp, B. R. Leonard, D. R. Ring, and D. Blouin. 2010. Acephate resistance is widespread in Louisiana tarnished plant bug populations. La. Agric. 53: 14-15.


Dennis Ring, Alan Morgan, Frank Guillot, Alan Lax, & Charles McCown. 2010. Louisiana Agriculture. Management of the Invasive Formosan Subterranean Termite in the New Orleans French Quarter. Vol. 53, No. 4. Pp. 20-21.


Ring, Dennis R. Pest Identification Guide for Pests in and Around Buildings. 2010. Publication No. 3158


R. Riggio, C. Dunaway, A. Morgan. D. Ring.  2011. Inspeccion de termitas 101. AgCenter publ 3090.


R. Riggio, C. Dunaway, A. Morgan. D. Ring. 2011. Termitas y reconstruction. AgCenter publ 3091.


R. Riggio, C. Dunaway, A. Morgan. D. Ring. 2011. Termitas en lo arboles. AgCenter publ 3092.


Ring, Dennis R. Louisiana Agriculture. Chilli thrips threaten Louisiana Knock Out Roses. Winter 2012. Vol. 55, No. 1. p. 17.


Wilson, G. and D. Ring. 2012. Small hive beetles. Online.


Ring, Dennis. 2013. Brown marmorated stink bug. Louisiana Nursery and Landscaping Association Newsletter.


Ring, Dennis. 2013. Crape Myrtle Bark Scale. Louisiana Nursery and Landscaping Association Newsletter.



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