“Serving the Stigmatized” – Working Within the Incarcerated Environment

Social Work's Dr. Church Publishes New Book

Baton Rouge, La. -- As of 2018, 7.3 million-plus individuals make up the American correctional system while 650,000 of those individuals are released back into our communities every year. Additionally, the book examines 14 specific populations and how to effectively treat them in order to better serve them and our communities.

book cover of "serving the stigmatized" Serving the Stigmatized was edited by Dr. Wesley T. Church II and Dr. David W. Springer. Their book was published on July 26, 2018. 

Co-edited by LSU School of Social Work Director Wesley T. Church II and Dr. David W. Springer, Serving the Stigmatized (https://www.amazon.com/Serving-Stigmatized-Working-Incarcerated-Environment/dp/0190678755), referred to as “filling a void in literature,” magnifies the treatment of America’s prisoners that are under a certain sort of institutional control while highlighting an additional, diverse set of scholars that are followed by empirical evidence.

According to the text, 70% of the 650,000 released offenders within the first year are rearrested within three years of their release. Both Church and Springer founded their book upon a goal to reconstruct the system and crush the statistics that created the background for the book.

Dr. Wesley T. Church II is the Director and J. Franklin Bayhi Endowed Professor in the School of Social Work. Church received a BA in History from the University of Utah in 1994, a MSW in Social Work from the University of Utah in 2000, and most recently a PhD in Social Work from the University of Utah in 2003.

About SSW

The LSU School of Social Work (SSW) aspires to be a leading school of social work, a vibrant center of intellectual development, a leader in promoting and supporting diverse communities, and an advocate for an integrated and inclusive model of social work, all within a learning environment that supports best educational practices. The SSW offers a Child and Family Studies (CFS) undergraduate degree, MSW, online MSW, and PhD. In fall 2018, the school is launching a bachelor of social work degree program. SSW is part of the College of Human Sciences & Education.

Visit the School of Social Work at www.lsu.edu/chse/socialwork


About CHSE

The College of Human Sciences & Education (CHSE) is a nationally accredited division of Louisiana State University. The college is comprised of the School of Education, the School of Kinesiology, the School of Leadership & Human Resource Development, the School of Information Studies, the School of Social Work, and the University Laboratory School. These combined schools offer 8 undergraduate degree programs, 18 graduate programs, and 7 online graduate degree and/or certificate programs, enrolling more than 1,900 undergraduate and 1,120 graduate students. The College is committed to achieving the highest standards in teaching, research, and service and is committed to improving quality of life across the lifespan.

Visit the College of Human Sciences & Education at www.lsu.edu/chse