SOK Alumnus McMakin Receives Alumnus of Distinction Award
Charles Wallace “Wally” McMakin is the School of Kinesiology’s recipient of the Alumnus of Distinction Award.
McMakin received the Alumnus of Distinction Award at the Hall of Distinction, held Friday, April 1, 2016 at the Lod Cook Alumni Center.
While at LSU, McMakin started the LSU Baseball Coaches Committee group, which is a primary arm for fundraising for the baseball program. The group started with nine members, and now it has more than 500.
When McMakin graduated from the School of Kinesiology, he was drafted from LSU to the Minnesota Twins in 1976, where he played pitcher and second baseman.
When asked what advice he would give himself 20 years ago, McMakin said, “Rub dirt on it and get back into the game.”
When asked what his fondest memory was of an inspiring mentor from his collegiate experience, McMakin said one of his baseball coaches, Ernie Hill, whose positive attitude and, “Gung ho personality always inspired me and helped me to become the man I am today.”
McMakin is currently the Senior Partner at Altus Wealth Management, L.L.C., where he manages over $700 million in assets, conducts financial planning and retirement seminars for employees of local and national companies, and they specialize in establishing pension, profit sharing, and 401(k) retirement plans for self-employed individuals, partnerships, and corporations. He is an expert in leadership and team building, investment strategy, profit and loss (P & L) management, and market penetration and expansion.
Prior to his position at Altus, McMakin was the Managing Director at McMakin Financial for 27 years. He also worked at A.G. Edwards as a financial advisor, providing investment advice and financial planning services, and at Georgia Pacific as a sales representative.
His advice to recent alumni is, “Understand where you have been and where you are going. The privileges you have today are because of what others before you have built and done. I don't believe in giving back, but in giving forward to those coming after you.”
McMakin has received numerous awards over his lifetime, including induction into the
Gamma Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity’s Hall of Honor, the LSU Athletics’ Hall of
Distinction, and named Neville High School Alumnus of the Year, and LSU Baseball Alumnus
of the Year.
Wally’s wife Andrea is also a graduate of LSU, along with all four of their children Meredith, 30, Dixon, 29, Jordan, 26, and Emily, 25.
2016 honorees included:
Cate Heroman, Alumna of Distinction | School of Education
Wendy McLain, Alumna of Distinction | School of Library & Information Science
Wally McMakin, Alumnus of Distinction | School of Kinesiology
Ronnie & Allyson Morris, Philanthropy Award
Lieutenant Herbert “Tweety” Anny, Baton Rouge Area Violence Elimination (BRAVE) Leader,
Community Partner | School of Social Work
Mayor Holden’s Love Our Community Summer Youth Employment Program, Community Partner
| School of Leadership & Human Resource Development
Cub Club, Community Partner | University Laboratory School
About SOK
The LSU School of Kinesiology advances the understanding of physical activity, sport, and health to optimize the quality of life for diverse populations through excellence in teaching, learning, discovery, and engagement.
Visit the School of Kinesiology
About CHSE
The College of Human Sciences & Education (CHSE) is a nationally accredited division of Louisiana State University. The College is comprised of the School of Education, the School of Leadership and Human Resource Development, the School of Kinesiology, the School of Library and Information Science, the School of Social Work, and the University Laboratory School. These combined schools offer 8 undergraduate degree programs and 18 graduate programs, enrolling more than 1,900 undergraduate and 977 graduate students. The College is committed to achieving the highest standards in teaching, research, and service and is continually working to improve its programs.