Study Abroad Opportunity in Dublin and London

When: June 22 - July 21

Who: Open to all students - any major, undergrad or graduate

What: 3 cities, 3 countries, 28 days

Courses: Choose two of six courses offered

Why: Experience European cities in one of the most affordable of all summer programs

Join Drs. Maccio, Plauche, and Bach for a study abroad program for summer 2019 in Dublin and London. You may choose two from the following six courses:

  • CFS 2065: Management in Family Systems
  • EDCI 2001 : Education, Schooling, and Society
  • WGS 4500: Education, Gender, and Society
  • SW 2500: Diversity in Ireland and the UK
  • SW 4070.001 : International Social Justice
  • SW 4070.002: Effective Relationships & Family Life

Dr. Jackie Bach (Education;

Dr. Elaine M. Maccio (Social Work;

Dr. Hannah Plauche (Child & Family Studies;

Included in the program cost:

  • Housing
  • Admission to all field trip locations, including Stonehenge and Bath
  • Within-city transportation
  • Ground transportation from Dublin to Howth and back, from Dublin to Belfast, and from London to Stonehenge and Bath and back
  • Daily breakfast
  • Group meal on the last day

Not included:

  • Tuition
  • Airfare from the US to Dublin, Belfast to London, and London to the US
  • Ground transportation to and from airports
  • Daily lunch and dinner

 Remember, you may be eligible for scholarships and financial aid

LSU in Dublin & London Website

LSU in Dublin & London 2019 Facebook Page