The LSU Coastal Ecosystem Design Studio Helps People Live with Water and Change

Who We Are

The LSU Coastal Ecosystem Design Studio (CEDS) encourages disciplines that typically work independently—natural and social scientists, engineers, designers, and planners—to work together collaboratively and holistically on complex issues related to water. These interdisciplinary teams take a comprehensive or systems level approach to research and problem-solving, while focusing primarily on human settlement in deltas and coastal areas, flood protection, socio-economic sustainability, ecosystem design and restoration, and community resilience.

What We Do

The LSU Coastal Ecosystem Design Studio (CEDS) addresses water challenges faced by people living and working in deltas and coastal areas around the world, as well as those impacted by extraordinary climate change incidents. CEDS works at different scales—from small city blocks facing urban stormwater management issues to multistate watersheds—studying the dynamic nature of water; its potential and actual impacts; and how people might safely live with it, in addition to moving it (with diversions) or holding and storing it (using levees and reservoirs).