
CEDS strives to bring scientists, engineers, designers, and planners together to develop a collaborative and comprehensive ecosystem design process, resulting in intentional change of landscape, infrastructure, and urban patterns to sustainably provide ecosystem services and address societal needs and values. Often places of conflict among stakeholders, regional landscapes such as river basins integrate human-environment interactions.  These coupled landscapes can be managed for mutual benefit, providing a common platform for scientists, engineers, architects, landscape architects, land-use planners, policymakers, and stakeholders to collaborate on desired outcomes in a systems context. CEDS approach with ecosystem design, suggests we are no longer “restoring” landscapes (nature), or protecting people from an external threat (again, nature) but are engaged in the creation of “novel or managed” ecosystems of which people are a part. Practitioners of ecosystem design fully acknowledge human agency and the ability to control nature; but instead aim to balance all components that make up the ecosystem for maximum long-term benefit. The design process (an iterative process of knowledge integration to produce actions aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones) provides a common ground for researchers and practitioners to implement ecological principles into decision making processes which will positively affect landscape change.