Course Proposal Forms

Courses wanting to be considered for the ILC program will choose a primary proficiency and complete the corresponding course proposal form. All completed proposals and supporting documents should be emailed to Integrative Learning Core. Before submitting an ILC course proposal, please ensure all components in the checklist are complete. 

ILC Course Proposal Forms by Proficiency

ILC Instrument(s) Choices and Assessment Guidance

Each ILC course will include a course-specific assessment plan. This plan details how each instructor for a given ILC course will collect and analyze data that assesses the primary proficiency and corresponding dimension(s) that are addressed in the course.  Assessment data are collected by section and aggregated to the course-level according to the assessment process identified in the course proposal in addition to comparing the data across modalities (if applicable). Details regarding the ILC assessment reporting process can be found at


Instructors have two choices as they develop this plan.

Option A: Instructors may select one or more of the proficiencies default dimensions to be addressed in the course. 

Option B: Alternatively, if the instructor prefers not to assess at least one of the default dimensions, the instructor(s) have the discretion to identify at least one alternative dimension to assess the proficiency.  These alternative dimensions and assessment protocols must be approved at the department level, either by the department head, an assessment committee, or an individual designated as assessment coordinator. The Department Level Approved Assessment Plan will then be submitted to the ILC committee for approval. 

ILC Instrument(s) Choices and Assessment options include: essay, extended response questions(s), lab report, multiple choice questions, performance, presentation, reflection paper, short answer question(s), or other.

Departments need only assess a majority of sections annually for each course.  However, it is important that these sections be as representative as possible of all sections (and modalities) of the course, including those taught in the summer or intersession terms.

A common standard for sampling is work from 10% of the students, or 10 students, whichever is greater, but this may be problematic for large classes, depending on the assessment instrument chosen. You do not need to sample; if you prefer to submit data from your entire class (the entire population), you are free to do so [see sampling guidelines]. 

Related Documents

Department Level Approved Assessment Plan

ILC Instrument(s) Choices and Assessment

Sampling Guidelines

Syllabus Elements

Signature Page

Electronic Signature Page (Live, Adobe)

Helpful Hints for ILC Proposals