Science by the Glass - Kristine DeLong

Science by the glass announcement

"The Alabama Underwater Forest: A Time Capsule from the Last Ice Age"

Speaker: Kristine DeLong

Time/Date: Tues. Nov. 10th from 5-6 p.m. CST


Kristine DeLong is the lead principal investigator of an exciting project, just funded for phase two, investigating a bald cypress forest found 13 kilometers offshore of Alabama in the Gulf of Mexico, assumed to be uncovered by Hurricane Ivan in 2004. These trees grew during the last glacial interval (70,000 to 50,000 years ago) when the global sea level was more than 20 meters lower than today exposing the now-submerged continental shelf that was colonized by plants and trees similar to today but in slightly colder conditions like the Carolinas today.

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