Ifill, Woodruff blaze a new trail for women on TV

(Sept. 8, 2013 | Washington Post) - Starting with its broadcast Monday evening, the “PBS Newshour” will feature two women in the anchor chairs. Read more
Sabato's Crystal Ball: Gender gap present in almost all federal statewide races over last decade
By Kyle Kondik and Geoffrey Skelley, Sabato's Crystal Ball
(September 12th, 2013 | Source: Sabato's Crystal Ball) - News reports that deem a gender gap in polling noteworthy — with women as more Democratic and men as more Republican — are falling into a trap described by a journalistic cliché: They’re reporting when a dog bites a man. Read more
California finally overturns its 1872 Law denying justice for unmarried rape victims
By Rebecca Leber
(Sept. 11, 2013 | Think Progress) - On Monday, California closed a sexual assault loophole created by a 1872 state law, expanding one definition of rape to include unmarried people. The arcane law led to an appeals court reluctantly overturning a man’s rape conviction for impersonating a woman’s boyfriend while she was unconscious. Read more
Independent: Victim deserved to be 'burnt alive', says rapists' lawyer
By Dean Nelson
(Sept. 16, 2013 | Independent.ie) -
The Indian lawyer for two of the four Delhi gang rapists sentenced to hang last week has criticised the victim's parents for allowing her to go out at night with a boy, and claimed he would have "burnt her alive" if she had been his daughter. Read more
Majority of countries made a slow progress on closing gender gap
The Global Gender Report 2012
(Source: World Economic Forum) - The Global Gender Gap Report 2012 emphasizes persisting gender gap divides across and within regions. Based on the seven years of data available for the 111 countries that have been part of the report since its inception, it finds that the majority of countries covered have made slow progress on closing gender gaps. Read the report
Harvard Business School Case Study: Gender Equity

By Jodi Kantor
(Sept. 7, 2013) - When the members of the Harvard Business School class of 2013 gathered in May to celebrate the end of their studies, there was little visible evidence of the experiment they had undergone for the last two years. As they stood amid the brick buildings named after businessmen from Morgan to Bloomberg, black-and-crimson caps and gowns united the 905 graduates into one genderless mass. Read more
US teen pregnancy rate drops due to contraception access, remains high in abstinence-only red states
By Stephen Foster Jr.
(Sept. 7, 2013 | Addicting Info) - The National Center for Health Statistics reports that the overall US teen pregnancy rate has fallen six percent and it’s all thanks to contraception knowledge and access. Meanwhile, in abstinence-only red states, the rate remains high as the Republican war on comprehensive sex education and birth control rages on. Read more
OCAD U class set to ‘storm Wikipedia’ to fix gender imbalance
By Audrey Ann Lavallee | The Right Click
(September 6, 2013) - This article is about a class at OCAD University in Canada called "Dialogues on Feminism and Technology." The classroom model seems interesting--it seems to be designed not only to get the students involved in activism, but may actually provide them the opportunity to create real awareness of women's contributions to technology. The students' first assignment, for instance, is to "storm Wikipedia"--creating and editing entries about famous women in science and technology.
Click here to read the article.
This article summary is contributed by Will Glass, a LSU Manship School graduate student.
"Who is worse?"

By Heather McLeod
(July 22, 2013) - I’m not sure what terrifies me more: the thought of my daughter growing up with other people making decisions about her reproductive health and judging her if her sex life doesn’t involve marriage or men, or the thought of her growing up in today’s mainstream liberal culture.
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AP Interview: New head of UN Women says there’s a ‘backlash’ against equality for women
(Sept. 13, 2013 | Associated Press) — The new head of the U.N. agency promoting women’s rights says there is “a definite backlash” against equality for women despite some significant progress, pointing to an upsurge in violence against women and the uphill fight to escape poverty and crack the glass ceiling. Read more
Here’s what you miss by only talking to white men about the digital revolution and journalism
By Andrea Peterson
(Sept. 10, 2013 | The Switch)
On Monday, Harvard's Joan Shorenstein Center on The Press, Politics and Public Policy and the Nieman Journalism Lab launched Riptide, a new project about the disruption of journalism by technology.
But looking at the final product and their list of sources, it appears that the project misses a key aspect of how the digital age disrupted traditional journalism: Digital advances, particularly the spread of the Internet and the rise of blogging, gave a powerful new way for voices marginalized in the elite journalism sphere to spread their stories.
Jeanne Brooks, the digital director of nonprofit group the Online News Association, counted just five white women, two men of color, and zero women of color among 61 people interviewed for the project. All three of the project's authors are also white men. That's a 100 percent white male group using 90 percent white male perspective on the changes in journalism field and calling it a defining narrative. Read more
Beeban Kidron: 'We need to talk about teenagers and the internet'

By Tim Adams
(Sept. 7, 2013 | The Guardian) - When Beeban Kidron makes a film, she says, she always tends to start on the street. InRealLife, which is a film no parent and no teenager should miss, began in exactly that way. Read more
The Economist: The lamentable Lack of female professors:
(Aug. 31, 2013 | The Economist) - One of academia’s deficiencies is that, though its lecture halls and graduate schools are replete with women, its higher echelons are not. Often, this is seen as a phenomenon specific to the sciences. A report published in 2008 by America’s National Science Foundation, for example, found that in most fields of science and engineering male full professors outnumbered females by nearly four to one. Read more
"The six ways we talk about a teenage girl’s age"
By Soraya Chemaly
(Sept. 4, 2013 | Salon.Com) - Last week, Montana District Judge G. Todd Baugh declared a troubled, now dead, 16-year-old girl culpable for her own rape. (The girl was just 14 when the crime occurred.) While in the process of reducing her rapist’s 15-year sentence to 30 days, he explained that the victim was “older than her chronological age,” and “as much in control of the situation” as the 49-year-old teacher found guilty of raping her. Read more
Gender Studies Lecture: Is Pornography Immoral?
(Source: CSB/SJU Digital Commons) - Robert Jensen, author of "Getting Off: The End of Masculinity," was the CSB/SJU Gender Studies visiting scholar. His talk, "Is Pornography Immoral?," considered pornography's impact on men and women through a feminist lens.
Robert Jensen: Rape is all too normal
(DallasNews.Com | Jan. 18, 2013) - Rape is normal.
Let me be clear: I don’t mean normal in the sense of good (a social norm that we should uphold) or inevitable (a product of biology that therefore can’t be changed). Rape is normal in the sense of “this is our culture.” That’s difficult to face, which makes it all the more important that we not turn away.
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