MEDIA BRIEFING: LSU Hurricane & Extreme Weather Experts
BATON ROUGE – As hurricane season begins, LSU has the foremost extreme weather phenomena experts in the world who are available to provide context, insight and analysis for reporters covering hurricanes, cyclones, heavy rain events, wildfires and other extremes as well as forecasting and trends.
NOTE: Media are invited to join a briefing on Zoom on Tuesday, June 15, from 10:00-11:00 a.m. To receive the Zoom link and password, email Michelle Spielman at
The LSU experts on this media briefing will include:
Barry Keim serves as the Louisiana State Climatologist and is the Richard J. Russell Professor
in the LSU Department of Geography & Anthropology in the College of Humanities & Social
Sciences. His research focuses on climatic extremes with particular emphasis on heavy
rainfall, hurricanes, storm surge and the interpretation of climate data. As state
climatologist, Dr. Keim conducts climatic research on the state of Louisiana and the
broader region and serves the community by providing climatic data to those in need,
including researchers, government agencies, police departments and the media. He also
oversees the group at LSU that manages the world’s largest and most comprehensive
database of global storm surges.
Jill Trepanier studies extreme climatic and weather phenomena, specifically tropical cyclones. She
uses quantitative methods such as statistics to analyze these events. She is an associate
professor in the LSU Department of Geography & Anthropology in the College of Humanities
& Social Sciences. Her current research interests include understanding extreme weather
events, tropical climatology, climate change, geographic information systems, risk
assessment and statistical methods.
Carol Friedland is the Cajun Constructors and Performance Contractors Associate Professor in the
LSU Bert S. Turner Department of Construction Management in the College of Engineering.
Her research focuses on resilient and sustainable housing, disaster loss estimation,
post-disaster damage assessment, hazard mitigation planning and mitigation decision-making.
Additional Link:
2021 Hurricane Season: LSU Hurricane Experts Available:
Contact Alison Satake
LSU Media Relations
c. 510-816-8161