SBIR-STTR Funding Opportunities

July 01, 2022

A list of recently opened SBIR-STTR Funding Opportunities:


Department of Defense:

Army, Space Development Agency, and DARPA have targeted opportunities currently in pre-release or open with May and June close dates. See all open topics.
Sign up for the Defense SBIR/STTR Innovation Portal listserv to get the latest news, and prepare for the planned 21.2/21.B pre-release on April 21. 

Department of Health and Human Services:

HHS has several newly released targeted opportunities. See all open topics.
Technologies for Improving Minority Health and Eliminating Health Disparities. Due May 3.
Technologies to Advance Precision Medicine for Reproductive Health and Infertility. Due July 30.
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence Tools for Substance Use Disorders Drug Discovery and Development. Due August 10.

Department of Energy ARPA-E:

Reducing Emissions of Methane Every Day of the Year SBIR/STTR (REMEDY SBIR/STTR). Concept papers due May 21.


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