Bachelor of Science in Economics

The science behind good business decisions.

Economics is the study of supply, demand, scarcity, and their implications related to the use of resources, production of goods and services, and growth over time. It forms the foundation of how we approach complex societal issues.

Economics as a social science allows us to use analytical reasoning to understand behavioral patterns, policy issues, and business practices. Understanding how decisions are made, how markets work, how rules affect outcomes, and how economic forces drive social systems will equip you to make better decisions and solve complex problems. If you’re intrigued by issues related to economic policies, globalization, climate change, health care, poverty, inequality, inflation, and unemployment, then a degree in economics could be right for you.

What You'll Learn

A Bachelor of Science in Economics provides the foundations to understand how the global economy functions and gives you the skills to confidently analyze and predict the impact of a variety of market factors.

Throughout this 120-hour program, you will discuss the role of markets and public policy, study how monetary and fiscal policies can be used to stabilize the economy, and analyze economic problems using tools of quantitative analysis. Areas of study covered in the program include:

  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Econometrics
  • Economic Growth & Development
  • Public Policy
  • International Trade & Finance
  • Healthcare Economics
  • Labor Economics

Empirical Economic Analysis Concentration

A concentration in Empirical Economic Analysis is available to economics and international trade & finance majors. The concentration provides skills in analyzing business and economic data to solve real world problems. See full curriculum.

Career Path

Economics graduates can be successful in a wide variety of industries. While employment in business roles is most common, they are highly sought after in other areas including the public sector, law, nonprofits, international relations, research, and academia. 

Career options include:

  • Economist
  • Financial Risk Analyst
  • Financial Planner
  • Economic Researcher
  • Financial Consultant
  • Investment Analyst

The study of economics serves as the foundation for business decision-making. The Department of Economics prepares students for a variety of career paths in some of the world's most influential and recognized companies. 

Employers who hire our graduates include:

Southwest Airlines



Ernst & Young

Georgia Pacific


Median Salary for Economists

- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2021)


Employment Growth Outlook for Economists

- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2020-30)


"What I love most about being an economics major is how applicable everything I learn in class is to my daily life. You see all these aspects on the news daily, whether it's interest rates, inflation, or how inflation affects the labor market. You can also see it in government policies. Classroom learning helped me make decisions when trying to be a responsible citizen."

— Ranna Okeil, Class of 2024

Female students study at table in BEC Rotunda


Contact Us

Department of Economics

2300 Business Education Complex
501 South Quad Drive

Charles Roussel

Economics/ITF Undergraduate Advisor 
2304 Business Education Complex S.

Richard Stahl 

Economics/ITF Undergraduate Advisor 
2308 Business Education Complex S.