The colored stained glass in the rotunda of the Old State Capitol, built in 1847 to overlook the Mississippi River.

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Michele James-Deramo

Cultivating Students to be Agents of Institutional Change
(Limit: 50)

As educators and community leaders, we believe in the power of student voice and therefore seek out opportunities to include students in key decision making opportunities. However, empowering student involvement in large scale, strategic planning is often difficult. 

The objective of this workshop is for parpticipants to map out multiple points of involvement for engaging students in institutional change. This includes imagining student involvement beyond token representatioin on committees, as well as providing capacity-building opportunities.

The workshop explores service-themed housing, leadership councils, learning communities, and social entrepreneurship as catalysts for student agency, and draws upon Virginia Tech's Strategic Planning process that privileges student engagement as a university priority.


Michele James-Deramo

Michele James-Deramo

Michele James-Deramo is the founding Director of Service-Learning at the Virginia Tech Center for Student Engagement and Community Partnerships. 

Her career in service-learning began in 1992 at Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia.  However, her participation in reflective community service spans back to middle school and includes a year of service with the Sojourner's Community in Washington, D.C. 

James-Deramo is currently pursuing an interdisciplinary doctorate in social, political, ethical and cultural thought.

For more information, contact the Center for Community Engagement, Learning, and Leadership
Louisiana State University -- B-31 Coates Hall -- Baton Rouge, LA 70803
225-578-3704 --