Production, distribution and selling cocahoe minnows as live baitfish will be the focus of a workshop hosted by the LSU AgCenter and Louisiana Sea Grant.
The workshop will be Wednesday, April 14, 6-8pm, at the Calcasieu AgCenter office in Lake Charles, 7101 Gulf Highway, and focus on pond and tank culture. Topics to be covered include: history of culture, diseases, advantages/disadvantages; brood stock and reproduction methods; holding, handling and transportation; and infrastructure considerations and culture system diversity/scenarios. All workshops are free and open to the public.
Live bait for saltwater angling in Louisiana is a seasonally available commodity, due to the reliance on wild-caught bait. Cultured cocahoe minnows could help supplement the wild-caught baitfish supply, and be a valuable revenue source for cocahoe growers. The cocahoe minnow, Fundulus grandis, is popular bait for redfish, speckled trout, flounder and many other species.
For additional information, please contact Sunny Brogan, LSU Extension Associate, at: (225)765-2848 or