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News: 2009

Commission Takes No Action to Modify Reef Fish Rules
Posted: 8/10/09

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission considered actions at their Nov. 2009 meeting to 1) receive and consider Resolution and Notice of Intent to Amend Rules for Harvest of Reef Fish: Grouper Recreational Seasons and Bag Limits, Grouper Commercial Seasons and Size Limits, Red Snapper/Reef Fish IFQ Modifications, 2) receive and consider Declaration of Emergency - Rules for Harvest of Reef Fish:  Grouper Recreational Seasons and Bag Limits, Grouper Commercial Seasons and Size Limit, and 3), receive and consider Declaration of Emergency - Closure of the Recreational Fishery for Greater Amberjack in Louisiana Waters.

The commission rejected all three proposals.  This means that existing rules for harvest of reef fish will remain in effect in Louisiana waters.  However, federal rules for recreational and commercial harvest will be in effect in waters of the EEZ, generally more than 3 miles offshore of Louisiana. 

Regulations for the greater amberjack fishery in the Gulf of Mexico include a quota for the recreational fishery.  Based on an analysis to project 2009 greater amberjack recreational landings, NMFS closed the recreational greater amberjack fishery in Federal waters off Louisiana at 12:01 a.m. on Oct. 24, 2009.  The Regional Administrator requested that the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries enact similar action for Louisiana waters to enhance effectiveness and enforceability of regulations, and to ensure that the recreational greater amberjack quota is not exceeded during the 2009 fishing year. 

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission considered the request of NOAA Fisheries to close the recreational fishery for greater amberjack at their November, 2009 meeting, and voted not to enact a closure for Louisiana State waters.  The closure in effect in the EEZ remains in effect.

The commission also voted not to modify state rule on harvest of grouper and tilefish to provide compatible size, creel, and season limits, and provisions dealing with Individual Fishing Quotas for those species.

This also means that violators intercepted by enforcement will be charged federally.

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