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News: 2008

LDWF Seeks Public Input for Recreational Fisheries Disaster Assistance Program
Posted: 4/8/08

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) is continuing its effort to provide assistance to the state’s fishing industries through a $41 million federal fisheries disaster assistance grant. The department invites representatives of the recreational and charterboat fishing industries and the fishing public to participate in the planning process in a public meeting April 22, 2008.

The meeting will be held in the Louisiana Room at LDWF headquarters, 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge at 2 p.m.

Office of Fisheries staff will review comments received from the fishing industries in public meetings held during September and October of 2007. There will be a discussion of ideas to aid the recovery of recreational fishing from the impacts of the hurricanes of 2005 and other state programs to aid the fishing industries.

The public is invited to attend and help further develop recreational fishery recovery plans.

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