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News: 2007

Revised — Oyster Season to Close in the Public Oyster Seed Grounds
Posted: 3/29/07

LDWF Secretary Bryant O. Hammett, Jr. announced that the 2006/07 oyster season in the Primary Public Oyster Seed Grounds east of the Mississippi River, the Lake Borgne Public Oyster Seed Grounds, the Bay Gardene Public Oyster Seed Reservation, the Hackberry Bay Public Oyster Seed Reservation, the Little Lake Public Oyster Seed Grounds, and the Vermilion/East and West Cote Blanche/Atchafalaya Bay Public Oyster Seed Grounds will close at one-half hour after sunset on Sunday, April 1, 2007. The Calcasieu Lake Public Oyster Area shall close at one-half hour after sunset on Monday, April 30, 2007.

Oyster harvest in these areas during the 2006/07-oyster season has provided valuable economic return to the Louisiana oyster industry, but has reduced market-size oyster resources according to LDWF Marine Fisheries Division biologists. In addition, the LDWF Enforcement Division has encountered a higher-than-average number of cases during recent months involving the harvest of undersize oysters for market purposes. The closure is being made to protect the remaining oyster resources in these areas. Biologists have also noted young oyster spat in recent biological samples from these areas and feel the protection of these spat is important to the long-term sustainability of the oyster reefs.

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