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News: 2007

Lake Claiborne Scheduled for Minimal Drawdown Beginning Sept. 17
Posted: 8/1/07

The Claiborne Parish Watershed District Commission has requested a 2 to 3 foot drawdown of Lake Claiborne beginning Sept. 17, 2007.

The purpose of this drawdown is to allow the Watershed Commission to determine where to locate, with GPS coordinates, permanent channel markers. The drawdown will expose many of the numerous stumps that present navigation hazards to boaters. It is the Watershed District’s intent to install the channel markers before the summer of 2008.

The lake will be lowered 3 to 4 inches per day until it reaches the target level of 3 feet below normal pool stage. This level will be maintained while the stumps are located and a channel is identified, a process which should take approximately two weeks.

Once the Watershed Commission obtains GPS coordinates, the gates will be closed and the lake allowed to refill.

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