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News: 2006

New Shrimping Regulations Begin in March
Posted: 12/18/06

Beginning March 26, 2007, vessels fishing for shrimp in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico must have a new GOM Moratorium Shrimp Permit onboard. Additionally, vessels fishing for royal red shrimp must also have a Royal Red Endorsement.

Open-access shrimp permits currently in effect will no longer be valid after March 25, 2007, even if the expiration date on it indicates otherwise. The new permit will be the only valid permit for shrimping in GOM federal waters beginning March 26, and the new permit must be on the vessel.

Applications for the new permit should be submitted at least 30 days before it is desired. The deadline for submitting applications for the new permit is Oct. 26, 2007.

Forms that must be completed and submitted for the new shrimp moratorium permit are available at http://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/sf/permits.htm.

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