of Louisiana Offshore Territorial Waters Closed to Shrimping
The Louisiana
Wildlife and Fisheries Commission announced a shrimping closure
in a portion of Louisiana offshore territorial (outside) waters
at its January 4, 2005, meeting. The action protects small
white shrimp currently over-wintering in these areas, as well
as additional over-wintering white shrimp expected to recruit
to these waters.
The closure area
includes that portion of state outside waters, south of the
Inside/Outside Shrimp Line as described in LA R.S. 56:495,
from the western shore of Freshwater Bayou Canal at longitude
92 degrees, 18 minutes, 33 seconds W to the eastern shore
of Belle Pass at latitude 29 degrees, 5 minutes, 07 seconds
N and longitude 90 degrees, 13 minutes, 30 seconds W.
This closure
will become effective at 6 a.m. January 10, 2005. All state
outside waters east of longitude 90 degrees, 13 minutes, 30
seconds W, as well as state outside waters west of Freshwater
Bayou Canal, will remain open to shrimping. The closure area
described in this action is identical to the area description
used in last year's closure order.
According to LA
R.S. 56:498.B(1), the possession count on saltwater white
shrimp shall average no more than 100 (whole shrimp) count
per pound, except during the time period from Oct. 15 through
the third Monday in December when there shall be no count.
Current sampling conducted by Marine Fisheries Division biologists
has indicated that white shrimp in this portion of Louisiana
outside waters do not average 100 count per pound minimum
legal size. This action protects small white shrimp and provides
increased opportunity for growth to a larger more valuable
The Commission
also authorized the LDWF secretary to close any part of remaining
state outside waters if biological and technical data indicate
the need to do so and to reopen any closed area when the closure
is no longer necessary. The secretary is also authorized to
open and close special shrimp seasons in portions of inside
waters, where such a season would not detrimentally affect
developing brown shrimp.
With the exception
of Breton and Chandeleur sounds, all inside waters remain
closed to shrimping. Those portions of Breton and Chandeleur
sounds currently open to shrimping will close at 6 a.m. March
31, 2005.
According to the
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), preliminary landings
statistics indicate that Louisiana shrimp landings through
November 2004 totaled approximately 77.85 million pounds (all
species combined/heads-off weight) and comprised 56.5 percent
of total Gulf of Mexico shrimp landings. Although dockside
prices continue to be impacted by foreign shrimp imports,
Louisiana shrimp landings for the year are on pace to become
the third highest on record. Annual landings in 1986, 2000
and 2001 totaled 93.7, 92.2 and 79.1 million pounds, respectively.
The opening dates
for the 2005 spring shrimp season in inside waters will be
considered at the May commission meeting to be held at LDWF
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