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News: 2005

L.W.F.C. Passes Notice of Intent to Modify Oyster Lessee Out-of-State Landing Program
Posted: 3/4/05

Plans to modify current administrative rules governing the Oyster Lessee Out-Of-State Landing Program began as the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission unanimously passed a notice of intent during the March 3 meeting. The program allows properly licensed oyster leaseholders to land oysters outside of Louisiana that were harvested from Louisiana oyster leases. The rule modification will improve the program by more clearly defining the permitting process and will also set guidelines for a vessel monitoring system that will be required on each vessel operating under an out-of-state landing permit.

The vessel monitoring system units (VMS) will be a requirement on board all vessels landing oysters outside of Louisiana, enabling LDWF to track vessel locations at all times. The units must be acquired by the permit holder and may only be those devices approved by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or the Secretary of LDWF for fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico.

Interested parties may submit comments relative to the proposed rule to: Patrick Banks, Marine Fisheries Division, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, P.O. Box 98000, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-9000, prior to May 5, 2005.

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