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News: 2005

Oyster Season Closure on Public Oyster Grounds North of Mississippi River Gulf Outlet Ordered by L.D.W.F.
Posted: 4/1/05

The oyster season on the public oyster seed grounds located north of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) and south of the Louisiana/Mississippi state line, excluding the Lake Borgne Public Oyster Seed Ground, will close at one-half hour after sunset on Friday, April 8, 2005. This closure has been ordered by LDWF Secretary based on hurricane-related oyster mortalities that reduced available oyster stocks and in order to protect the remaining oyster resources located in the area. The area was originally opened to harvest on Oct. 1, 2004 and it is estimated that nearly 48,000 barrels of oysters have been harvested from the public oyster seed grounds in this area during the current oyster season. Approximately 105,000 acres in the Lake Borgne Public Oyster Seed Ground will remain open to harvest through April 30, 2005.

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