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News: 2005

LDWF Lunker Bass Program Benefits Fisheries and Anglers
Posted: 3/4/05

With the spring spawn in progress, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries wants to remind bass anglers of the benefits of the Louisiana Lunker Bass Program (LLBP).

Through this program, anglers can donate a 12-pound or greater largemouth bass to LDWF for spawning, exhibiting or research purposes. Any angler who legally catches a largemouth bass weighing at least 12 pounds between Dec. 1, 2004 and April 30, 2005 in Louisiana waters, and is willing to donate his or her fish to the program, will receive a free replica of the fish and a certificate of appreciation from the LLBP, following acceptance by LDWF personnel. All donated lunker bass are held at the Booker Fowler Fish Hatchery (BFFH) in Forest Hill. After the spawning period, hatchery personnel move the bass to an exhibit aquarium located at BFFH's Visitors Center.

LDWF will stock any fingerlings produced by the lunker fish into the lake from which the parent came.

For a largemouth bass to be accepted into the program, an angler must sign a statement stating that the fish was legally caught in Louisiana and that all rights of use and ownership to the fish will be transferred to LDWF. Department personnel will transport qualified fish to the hatchery.

Anyone who catches a largemouth bass that might qualify should keep the fish in fresh, aerated water, avoid holding the fish only by its jaw or with dry hands, use a net to move the fish from one container to another, if necessary, and contact LDWF within 12 hours of capture to arrange to have the fish picked up. Calls can be placed to LDWF's toll-free Operation Game Thief Hotline at 1-800-442-2511 (which is printed on the back of the basic recreational fishing license). Enforcement Division dispatchers will place the caller in contact with the nearest Inland Fisheries biologist.

For more information on the Lunker Bass Program, call Booker Fowler Fish Hatchery at (318) 748-6914 or visit the LDWF website at http://www.wlf.louisiana.gov and click on "Lunker Bass Program" under "What's New" on the site home page.

The LLBP began in 1997 as a cooperative effort between LDWF, Southern Pride Bass Club (SPBC) and the Association of Louisiana Bass Clubs (ALBC) to promote and enhance the largemouth bass fisheries in the state of Louisiana. The funding for this program came from the proceeds of a benefit bass tournament sponsored by SPBC and the ALBC in memory of Nookie Diaz. These proceeds were donated to the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Foundation and dedicated for the enhancement of the Florida largemouth bass in our state fish hatchery system.

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