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News: 2005

LDWF to Offer Free Assistance to Boat Owners Needing Documentation for Losses Associated with Hurricanes
Posted: 10/5/05

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) is working with vessel owners and their insurance companies to provide assistance with documentation required to file claims for the loss of boats during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

To assist boat owners who suffered losses, the department will provide free certified copies of boat registrations and will cancel registration records for which written documentation is received from the registered owner or the insurance company for lost, stolen or missing boats. Along with the written request for a certified copy or a cancellation, registered owners should provide a copy of their driver's licenses for identification purposes. This information may be faxed to 225-763-5421.

LDWF is taking a proactive approach to curtail fraud and theft by scrutinizing ownership documentation for new applications submitted to register boats that may have been affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The Department will work with the Office of the Attorney General and make every effort to protect the rights of legitimate boat owners. Registration transactions will not be allowed for salvaged, found or abandoned boats.

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